- absApproximation(double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- AbstractFilteredStream<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces
This interface defines the functionality of a streamed filtered
chain complex.
- AbstractHomologyTracker<K,I extends java.lang.Comparable<I>,U,G> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag
- AbstractIntMetricSpace - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces
This interface defines the functionality of a finite metric space where
the objects are indexed by integers.
- AbstractMultifilteredStream<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi
- AbstractObjectMetric<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces
This interface defines a metric on the type T.
- AbstractObjectMetricSpace<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces
This interface defines the functionality of a finite metric space whose points are
of type T.
- AbstractPersistenceAlgorithm<T> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces
This interface defines the functionality of a persistence algorithm.
- AbstractPersistenceAlgorithm() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces.AbstractPersistenceAlgorithm
- AbstractPersistenceBasisAlgorithm<T,B> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces
This interface defines the functionality of a persistence algorithm that also produces generators
for each calculated interval.
- AbstractPersistenceBasisAlgorithm() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces.AbstractPersistenceBasisAlgorithm
- AbstractPersistenceTracker<K,I extends java.lang.Comparable<I>,G> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag
- AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces
This interface defines the functionality of a metric space with various querying
- AbstractStreamFlattener<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi
- AbstractUndirectedGraph - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph
This interface abstracts the functionality of an unweighted graph.
- AbstractVisualizer - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
Abstract class for visualizing a 3D point cloud and the persistent homology
classes corresponding to the Vietoris Rips filtration.
- AbstractVisualizer() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.AbstractVisualizer
- AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph
This interface defines functionality for a weighted graph.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.fileSaveMenuHandler
Action events handler
- add(Chain, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
Add one chain to another.
- add(Simplex, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- add(int[], double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Add a simplex, specified by its vertex vector and persistence
parameter, to the stream.
- add(double[], double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Add a simplex, specified by its vertex vector and persistence
parameter, to the stream.
- add(int[][], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Add an array of simplices, specified by matching vertex vectors and
persistence parameters, to the stream.
- add(double[][], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Add an array of simplices, specified by matching vertex vectors and
persistence parameters, to the stream.
- add(U, K) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.AbstractHomologyTracker
- add(U) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- add(U, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- add(U, Integer) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- add(U, Integer) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- addAllElements(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
This function copies all of the elements in the supplied stream to the current one.
- addCofaces(UndirectedWeightedListGraph, int, Simplex, TIntHashSet, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This function inductively adds all of the cofaces of the simplex tau to
the complex.
- addColumn(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function adds a new column to the table.
- addEdge(int, int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- addEdge(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.WeightedBipartiteGraph
- addEdge(int, int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
This function adds the edge (i, j) to the graph.
- addEdge(int, int, double) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph
This function adds an edge with specified weight.
- addEdge(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- addEdge(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- addEdge(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- addElement(Cell, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
- addElement(int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
This function adds a simplex with the provided vertices.
- addElement(int[], double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
This function adds a simplex with the provided vertices and
given filtration index.
- addElement(T, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
This function adds a basis element the stream with specified filtration index.
- addElement(T, double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- addElement(T, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- addElement(T, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- addElement(T, int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function adds the given basis element to the storage structure, with
the supplied filtration index.
- addInterval(int, T, T, G) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
This function adds the specified finite interval (start, end} at the
supplied dimension.
- addInterval(int, T, T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeCollection
This function adds the specified finite interval (start, end} at the
supplied dimension.
- addInterval(int, Interval<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeCollection
- addInterval(int, I, G) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function adds an interval and generator at the specified dimension to the
- addLeftInfiniteInterval(int, T, G) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
This function adds the specified semi-infinite interval {-infinity, end}
at the supplied dimension.
- addLeftInfiniteInterval(int, T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeCollection
This function adds the specified semi-infinite interval {-infinity, end}
at the supplied dimension.
- addNewVertex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
This adds a new vertex to the cell complex.
- addRightInfiniteInterval(int, T, G) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
This function adds the specified semi-infinite interval {start, infinity}
at the supplied dimension.
- addRightInfiniteInterval(int, T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeCollection
This function adds the specified semi-infinite interval {start, infinity}
at the supplied dimension.
- addRow(Collection<Object>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function adds a data row to the table.
- addRow(List<String>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function adds a data row to the table.
- addRow(String[], boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function adds a data row to the table.
- addVertex(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Add a vertex to a simplex.
- addVertex(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Add a vertex to a simplex, and set the findex.
- addVertex(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
This function adds a new vertex to the complex with a filtration index
of 0.
- addVertex(int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
This function adds a new vertex to the complex with specified
filtration index.
- alexanderWhitneyDiagonal(Simplex) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function computes the Alexander-Whitney diagonal map of a given simplex defined by
Delta([v_0, ...
- alternatingCoefficients(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- AnnotatedBarcodeCollection<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>,G> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes
- AnnotatedBarcodeCollection() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
- annotatedBarcodes - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- appendColumn(Map<Integer, X>, X) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- appendToArray(int[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
This function appends the argument newValue to the end of the
supplied array.
- ArrayUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
- ArrayUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- assert_2_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- assert_4_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- assert_6_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- assert_8_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- assignValue(String, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- assignValue(String, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- attachNewCell(int, int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
This adds a new cell to the complex with boundary specified by the supplied
array of cell ids.
- attachNewCell(int, int[], int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
This adds a new cell to the complex with boundary and boundary coefficients given.
- attachNewCellToPoint(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
This attaches a n-cell to an existing point in the complex.
- C - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
- C() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
Return the array of vertex arrays for the simplices of this dimension.
- C - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- cachedTracker - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- capacity - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonEdge
- Cell - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis
This class implements the functionality of a cell within a CW complex.
- Cell() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
This constructor initializes the cell to be a 0-cell (a vertex),
with the default cellId as the vertex index.
- Cell(int, Collection<Cell>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
This constructor initializes a cell to be an n-cell with n > 0.
- Cell(int, Collection<Cell>, int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
This constructor initializes the cell to be an n-cell with n > 0.
- Cell(int, Cell[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
This constructor initializes a cell to be an n-cell with n > 0.
- CellComparator - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis
This class provides functionality for comparing two cells within a CW complex.
- CellComplexOperations - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples
This class contains utility functions for working with cell complexes.
- CellComplexOperations() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellComplexOperations
- CellStreamExamples - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples
This class contains various static functions for producing cell complexes.
- CellStreamExamples() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
- centerText(String, Font, FontMetrics, Color, String, Font, FontMetrics, Color, Graphics, int, int, int, int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.DrawingPane
Center text to be displayed within a given rectangle
- Chain - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
A Chain
instance is an element of the module constructed by
taking formal sums of ring elements times simplices.
- Chain(int, int[], Simplex[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- Chain(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- Chain(int, int, Simplex) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- chain() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the chain value.
- chain_sort(Simplex[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This objects performs the chain computations.
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This objects performs the chain computations.
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This objects performs the chain computations.
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This objects performs the chain computations.
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.VietorisRipsBootstrapper
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
These objects performs the chain computations.
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
This objects performs the chain computations.
- chainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
This objects performs the chain computations.
- chainVector(SimplexStream, Chain, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- check_2_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- check_4_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- check_6_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- check_8_vertices(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- checkConsistency - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- checkInvariant() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- checkReduced(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Comparator<Y>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- CIRCLE_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- CircleGraph - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
Class that represents a graph with a circle "shape"
- CircleGraph(int, int, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.CircleGraph
- clearChain() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Clear the chain value; used when we reuse the elementes in a stream.
- close() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Close the stream the current additions, provided that the contents are
consistent and complete.
- close() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
This function flushes the output stream and closes it.
- closed - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- ClusteredERGraph - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
Makes a clustered graph by connecting a specified number of clusters (i.e.
- ClusteredERGraph(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ClusteredERGraph
- coboundary - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis.ListItem
- cocycle - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis.ListItem
- coefficientOf(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- collapse(AbstractMultifilteredStream<T>) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractStreamFlattener
- collapse(AbstractMultifilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.HalfplaneFlattener
- collapse(AbstractMultifilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.IncreasingOrthantFlattener
- CollectionUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
- CollectionUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.CollectionUtility
- colors - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.AbstractVisualizer
- columnHeadings - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
- commonAncestorDepth(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryTree
- comp_sort(int[], int, int, PlexSort.Comp) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort
Sort a subarray of an int[] using a comparison function.
- comp_sort(long[], int, int, PlexSort.CompL) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort
Same as comp_sort(int[], int, int, Comp), but for arrays of long.
- comp_sort(Object[], int, int, PlexSort.CompObj) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort
Same as comp_sort(int[], int, int, Comp), but for arrays of Object.
- compare(Interval<Double>, Interval<Double>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.IntervalLengthComparator
- compare(Cell, Cell) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.CellComparator
- compare(Simplex, Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexComparator
- compare(SimplexPair, SimplexPair) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPairComparator
- compare(M, M) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.FilteredComparator
- compareDoublesAbsolute(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
This function compares two doubles to see if they are within the specified
tolerance of each other.
- compareDoublesGuardedRelative(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
This function compares two doubles to see if their (relative/absolute) distance
is within the specified tolerance.
- compareDoublesRelative(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
This function compares two doubles to see if their relative distance is within the
specified tolerance.
- compareIntArrays(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
This function performs a comparison of two arrays of ints.
- compareTo(Packed2Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- compareTo(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(Packed4Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- compareTo(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(Packed6Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- compareTo(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(Packed8Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- compareTo(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(PersistenceBasisInterval) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(PersistenceBasisInterval) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(PersistenceInterval) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(PersistenceInterval) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Implements Comparable interface.
- compareTo(Interval<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
- compareTo2(Interval<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
- ComparisonUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
This class contains static methods for comparing various objects.
- ComparisonUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
- computeAnnotatedIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
- computeAnnotatedIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
- computeAnnotatedIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
- computeAnnotatedIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces.AbstractPersistenceBasisAlgorithm
This function computes the augmented persistence index intervals for a supplied filtered chain complex.
- computeAnnotatedIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces.AbstractPersistenceBasisAlgorithm
This function computes the augmented persistence intervals for a supplied filtered chain complex.
- computeAnnotatedIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This function provides the implementation of computeAnnotatedIntervals.
- computeAnnotatedIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistentHomology
- computeAnnotatedIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This function provides the implementation of computeAnnotatedIntervals.
- computeAnnotatedIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
- computeAnnotatedIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This function provides the implementation of computeAnnotatedIntervals.
- computeAnnotatedIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistentHomology
- computeBottleneckDistance(List<Interval<Double>>, List<Interval<Double>>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.BottleneckDistance
- computeBoundary(IntSparseFormalSum<X>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function computes the boundary of a given chain, by linear extension.
- computeCentroid(AbstractObjectMetricSpace<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
This function computes the centroid of the set of points within the metric space.
- computeCone(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplicialComplexOperations
This function computes the cone of a given filtered simplicial complex.
- computeDisjointUnion(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplicialComplexOperations
This function computes the disjoint union of two filtered simplicial complex.
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanClassicalHomology
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntClassicalHomology
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectClassicalHomology
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces.AbstractPersistenceAlgorithm
This function computes the persistence index intervals of a filtered chain complex.
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
- computeIndexIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3PersistenceAlgorithm
- computeInducedFiltrationValue(double, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.ExternalConverter
- computeInducedFiltrationValue(double, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationConverter
This function computes the filtration value that is consistent with the
ordering of filtration indices.
- computeInducedFiltrationValue(double, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IdentityConverter
- computeInducedFiltrationValue(double, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- computeInducedFiltrationValue(double, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.StaticConverter
- computeInducedMap(AbstractPersistenceTracker<K1, I1, G1>, AbstractHomologyTracker<K2, I2, ?, G2>, IntAbstractModule<G2>, ObjectObjectFunction<G1, G2>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- computeIntersection(TIntHashSet, TIntHashSet) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
This function computes the intersection between two sets of
- computeIntervals(SimplexStream) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Persistence
Calculate the persistent homology.
- computeIntervals(SimplexStream, boolean, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Persistence
Calculate the persistent homology with a specified Zp.
- computeIntervals(SimplexStream) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
Compute the persistent homology intervals of the simplex stream
- computeIntervals(SimplexStream, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
Compute the persistent homology intervals of the simplex stream
given with an option flag to control which type of basis we want
to choose.
- computeIntervals(SimplexStream, int, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
Compute the persistent homology intervals of the simplex stream
given with explicitly given characteristic of the underlying field
as well as an option flag to control which type of basis we want to
- computeIntervals(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces.AbstractPersistenceAlgorithm
This function computes the persistence intervals of a filtered chain complex.
- computeIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This function provides the implementation of computeIntervals.
- computeIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistentHomology
- computeIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This function provides the implementation of computeIntervals.
- computeIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
- computeIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This function provides the implementation of computeIntervals.
- computeIntervalsImpl(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistentHomology
- computeLandmarkSet() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.ExplicitLandmarkSelector
- computeLandmarkSet() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
This function constructs the set of landmark points.
- computeLandmarkSet() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.MaxMinLandmarkSelector
- computeLandmarkSet() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.RandomLandmarkSelector
- computeMaxima(AbstractObjectMetricSpace<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
This function computes the coordinate-wise maxima of a given Euclidean metric space.
- computeMaximumCardinalityMatching() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.WeightedBipartiteGraph
- computeMinima(AbstractObjectMetricSpace<double[]>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
This function computes the coordinate-wise minima of a given Euclidean metric space.
- computePerfectMatchingThreshold() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.WeightedBipartiteGraph
This function computes the smallest value, v, that when the current
bipartite graph is filtered by v, a perfect matching exists.
- computePersistentCohomologyZigZag(SimplexStream, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
Computes persistent cohomology using a zig-zag based approach due to Dmitriy Morozov.
- computePersistentCohomologyZigZag(SimplexStream) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- computeRawIntervals(SimplexStream, boolean, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Persistence
Calculate the raw persistent intervals for a stream, using a specified Zp.
- computeRawIntervals(SimplexStream, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- computeShortestPaths(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes all of the distances between pairs of vertices using
the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- computeSuspension(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplicialComplexOperations
This function computes the suspension of a given filtered simplicial complex.
- Cone - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The class Cone provides support for computing persistence across a
filtration as well as a cone over this filtration.
- Cone(SimplexStream) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
Creates a new cone from an existing SimplexStream.
- conepoint - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
- coning - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
- construct(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
Construct the Hierarchical graph.
- constructComplex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
- constructComplex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
- constructComplex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessBicomplex
- constructComplex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- constructComplex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
This abstract function performs the construction of the filtered chain complex.
- constructEdges(int, int, int, double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
Construct the edges of the graph using probabilities in the array probs.
- constructEdges() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This function implements the construction of the 1-skeleton.
- constructEdges() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlexibleVietorisRipsStream
- constructEdges() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- contains(Iterable<T>, T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- contains(int[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- containsActiveInterval(K) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- containsEdge(int, int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
This function returns true if the edge (i, j) is in the graph,
and false otherwise.
- containsEdge(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- containsEdge(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- containsElement(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- containsElement(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- containsElement(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- containsElement(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- containsElement(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
This function returns true if the stream contains the query element.
- containsElement(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- containsElement(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns whether an element is contained in the stream.
- containsElement(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- containsElement(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- containsElement(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- containsElement(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function returns true if the stream contains the given basis element,
and false otherwise.
- containsPoint(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function determines whether the given point is a member of
the interval.
- context - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexMessageWindow
- convert_filtration_index(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Convert a filtration index into a persistence parameter (i.e., double)
-- gets overloaded by some subclasses.
- convert_filtration_index(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
Convert a filtration index into a persistence parameter (i.e., double) --
gets overloaded by some subclasses.
- convert_filtration_index(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Convert a filtration index into a persistence parameter (i.e., double)
-- gets overloaded by some subclasses.
- convert_filtration_index(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream
Convert a filtration index into a persistence parameter (i.e., double)
-- gets overloaded by some subclasses.
- convert_filtration_index(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
Convert a filtration index into a persistence parameter (i.e., double)
-- gets overloaded by some subclasses.
- converter - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This converts between filtration indices and values
- converter - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
This converts between filtration indices and values
- convertIndices(Simplex, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
- convertIndices(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
- convertInterval(PersistenceInterval) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream
Convert a PersistenceInterval into Float format in a stream-specific manner.
- convertInterval(PersistenceBasisInterval) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream
convert a PersistenceBasisInterval into Float format in a stream-specific manner.
- coordinate(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
Get coordinates.
- coordinate(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
Get coordinates.
- coordinate(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.NSpace
- coordinate(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Torus
i-th coordinate of point p;
- copy() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
Make a "blank" copy of the Simplex -- equivalent to getSimplex(this.vertices()).
- copy() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
Make a "blank" copy of the Simplex -- equivalent to getSimplex(this.vertices()).
- copy() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
Make a "blank" copy of the Simplex -- equivalent to getSimplex(this.vertices()).
- copy() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
Make a "blank" copy of the Simplex -- equivalent to getSimplex(this.vertices()).
- copy() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Make a "blank" copy of the Simplex -- equivalent to getSimplex(this.vertices()).
- copy() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Head
- copyOf(double[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(int[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(float[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(short[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(long[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(boolean[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(byte[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(char[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- copyOf(Object[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- correctBettiSequence() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.CircleGraph
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.DiscreteSpace
The number of data points.
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.DistanceData
The number of data points.
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
The number of data points.
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
The number of data points.
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData
The number of points in this data set.
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete
The number of points in this data set.
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RDirectBufferData
- count() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Torus
The number of data points.
- counter - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexFaceIterator
- CRC - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
class provides good hash methods for int/long and string data.
- create() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MapperSpecifier
- createAlexanderWhitneyMatrix(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
- createBarcodePlot(PersistenceInvariantDescriptor<Interval<Double>, G>, String, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates an images of a collection of barcodes and writes it to a file.
- createBoundaryMatrixAsDoubleSum(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns the boundary matrix for the entire complex.
- createBoundaryMatrixAsDoubleSum(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns the boundary matrix for the entire complex.
- createBoundaryMatrixAsIntSum(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns the boundary matrix for the entire complex.
- createBoundaryMatrixAsIntSum(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns the boundary matrix for the entire complex.
- createEuclideanMetricSpace(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new EuclideanMetricSpace object.
- createExplicitCellStream() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createExplicitCellStream(double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createExplicitCellStream() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new ExplicitCellStream object.
- createExplicitCellStream(double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
- createExplicitSelector(double[][], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new explicit landmark selector on a point cloud.
- createExplicitSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new explicit landmark selector on an abstract metric space.
- createExplicitSimplexStream() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createExplicitSimplexStream(double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createExplicitSimplexStream() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new ExplicitSimplexStream object.
- createExplicitSimplexStream(double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
- createGraphComplex(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function produces a simplicial complex from a given undirected graph.
- createGraphComplex(int[][]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function produces a simplicial complex from the adjacency matrix of a given graph.
- createGraphics(BufferedImage) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- createHomMatrixConverter(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a matrix converter object for converting between formal sums, sparse and dense matrices.
- createHomStream(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new hom stream from two given filtered streams.
- createLazyWitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function create a new lazy-witness stream given a point cloud.
- createLazyWitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function create a new lazy-witness stream given a point cloud.
- createMatrixConverter(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a vector converter for converting between formal sums, and sparse and dense arrays.
- createMaxMinSelector(double[][], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new max-min landmark selector on a point cloud.
- createMaxMinSelector(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new max-min landmark selector on a point cloud.
- createMaxMinSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new max-min landmark selector on an abstract metric space.
- createMaxMinSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new max-min landmark selector on an abstract metric space.
- createMenuBar() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- createMetricSpace(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.metric.GraphMetricFactory
This function produces a finite metric space on the vertex set of a given graph.
- createMetricSpace(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.metric.ShortestPathMetric
- createNewSum(int[], PrimitiveBasisElement[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function creates a new formal sum from the given set of coefficients and objects.
- createPair(Simplex, Simplex) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPair
- createPair(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPair
- createPair(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPair
- createPlex3LazyWitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex3VietorisRipsStream(double[][], int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex3WitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex4LazyWitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex4VietorisRipsStream(double[][], int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex4VietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex4VietorisRipsStream(double[][], int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex4VietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createPlex4WitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- createRandomSelector(double[][], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new random landmark point selector on a point cloud.
- createRandomSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a new randomized landmark selector on an abstract metric space.
- createSubMetricSpace(AbstractIntMetricSpace, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MetricUtility
- createSubMetricSpace(AbstractIntMetricSpace, TIntHashSet) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MetricUtility
- createUniformIntervalCover(IntFilterFunction, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.RangeCoverUtility
- createVietorisRipsStream(double[][], int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a Vietoris-Rips complex given a point cloud.
- createVietorisRipsStream(double[][], int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a Vietoris-Rips complex given a point cloud.
- createVietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a Vietoris-Rips complex from a metric space.
- createVietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a Vietoris-Rips complex given a metric space.
- createVietorisRipsStream(double[][], int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a Vietoris-Rips complex given a point cloud.
- createVietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a Vietoris-Rips complex from a metric space.
- createWitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function create a new witness stream given a point cloud.
- createWitnessStream(LandmarkSelector<double[]>, int, double, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function create a new witness stream given a point cloud.
- current - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexFaceIterator
- current - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.Segment
- current_count - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable.SimpleTableIterator
- current_dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- current_dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- current_index - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- current_index - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- current_index - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable.SimpleTableIterator
- current_seg - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.StackIterator
- cycleSpaceDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Persistence
Return the dimension of the cycle space.
- D - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- D - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- d_okay(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- data() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Predicate
Underlying PointData for the predicate.
- debug(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
- debugFlag - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
- deconvertIndices(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
- decrement_findex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Decrement the findex value -- this is a hack that should ONLY be used
if you know what you are doing.
- deepArrayCopy(Object) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MemoryUtility
- DEFAULT_BARS_PER_PAGE - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- defineCluster(int, int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ClusteredERGraph
Warning: No input validation is performed.
- degreeSequence - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
- delete(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- delta_minus - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonEdge
- delta_minus - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonNode
- delta_plus - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonEdge
- delta_plus - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonNode
- DensityEstimation - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility
- DensityEstimation() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.DensityEstimation
- DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample<R> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples
This class contains the cell complex example contained in the paper
"Dualities in persistent (co)homology" by Vin de Silva, Dmitriy Morozov and Mikael
- DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample(ObjectAbstractField<R>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample
This constructor initializes the class with the specified field.
- DIM_0_MASK - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- DIM_2_MASK - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- DIM_4_MASK - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- DIM_6_MASK - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
The number of dimensions of the space.
- dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
Return the dimension of this DComplex.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
The number of dimensions of the space.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
Returns the dimension of self.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
Returns the dimension of self.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
Returns the dimension of self.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
Returns the dimension of self.
- dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval
The dimension of the PersistenceBasisInterval.
- dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval
The dimension of the PersistenceInterval.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.NSpace
Dimension of the space.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Returns the dimension of self.
- dimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Torus
The number of dimensions of the space.
- dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.RandomGeometricGraph
- dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- dimension_bound - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
- dimension_bound - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.StackIterator
- disableLogging() - Method in class bsh.PlexInterpreter
Turn OFF input logging for this Interpreter.
- DiscreteSpace - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The DiscreteSpace
class implements a finite discrete metric
- DiscreteSpace(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.DiscreteSpace
- DisjointSetSystem - Class in edu.stanford.math.clustering
- DisjointSetSystem(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.clustering.DisjointSetSystem
- DisjointSetSystem - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen
- DisjointSetSystem(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.DisjointSetSystem
- DisjointSetSystem(DisjointSetSystem) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.DisjointSetSystem
- disjointUnion(ExplicitCellStream, ExplicitCellStream) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellComplexOperations
This function produces a cell complex that is the disjoint union of two cell complexes.
- dist - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonNode
- dist_sort(double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Sort an array of double into increasing order, as needed for some
Simplex operations.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.DiscreteSpace
Discrete distance.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.DistanceData
Euclidean distance.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
Euclidean distance.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
Euclidean distance.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete
Distance between 2 points.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData
Distance between 2 points.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RDirectBufferData
Return the distance between the two points using the external
data, which is stored as 0-based columns.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Torus
Toroidal distance.
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.KNearestNeighborsGraph
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
This function must implement the distance function on the manifold.
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.RandomGeometricGraph
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.SphereGraph
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.TorusGraph
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.EuclideanMetricSpace
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- distance(Integer, Integer) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- distance(T, T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- distance(int, int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractIntMetricSpace
This function returns the distance between the object at index i and the
object at index j.
- distance(T, T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractObjectMetric
This function returns the distance between two points.
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- distance(T, T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- distance(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.SkeletalMetric
- distance(Simplex, Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.SkeletalMetric
- distanceBuffer - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RDirectBufferData
- DistanceData - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The DistanceData
class is the simplest implementation
of NSpace.
- DistanceData(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.DistanceData
- DistanceData(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a DistanceData instance.
- document - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexMessageWindow
- doDraw2D() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.AbstractVisualizer
Draw the 2D plot; i.e.
- doDraw2D() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
Overwrite this method to draw 2D objects in your sketch.
- doDraw3D() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.AbstractVisualizer
Draws point cloud and the Vietoris Rips cpx up to current filtration
- doDraw3D() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
Overwrite this method to draw 3D objects in your sketch.
- doPlot(String, double[][], double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
Make a barcode plot -- call via Plex.plot().
- doScatter(String, double[][], double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
Make a barcode scatterplot -- call via Plex.scatter().
- doSetup() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.AbstractVisualizer
- doSetup() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
Overwrite this method to setup additional variables
- dotProduct(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- DoubleArrayReaderWriter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.io
- dp - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.Ruler
- draw() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
- drawBarcode(List<Interval<Double>>, String, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- drawBarsInPlace(Graphics2D, List<Interval<Double>>, ImageRegion.Int, int, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- drawBarsInPlace(List<Interval<Double>>, ImageRegion.Int, float, float, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyGeneratorVisualizer
- drawGridLines(Graphics) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.DrawingPane
- drawRuler(Graphics, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.DrawingPane
- drawTicksInPlace(Graphics2D, ImageRegion.Int, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- drawTitleInPlace(Graphics2D, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- DSphere(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete
Make an instance of the boundary of the canonical (D+1)-Simplex.
- DSphereKskeleton(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete
- DualStream<T> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived
This class implements the dual cochain complex from a given chain complex.
- DualStream(AbstractFilteredStream<T>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
This constructor initializes the dualized stream from the regular (forward stream).
- dump(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Return a DComplex of the requested dimension, if there is one, else null;
- dump(Iterable<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.CollectionUtility
- EccentricityFilterFunction - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- EccentricityFilterFunction(AbstractIntMetricSpace) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.EccentricityFilterFunction
- edge_length_limit - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
The maximum length of an edge that will be admitted to the
- edu.stanford.math.clustering - package edu.stanford.math.clustering
- edu.stanford.math.mapper - package edu.stanford.math.mapper
- edu.stanford.math.plex - package edu.stanford.math.plex
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.api - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.api
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.generation - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.generation
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.io - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.io
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.metric - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.metric
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.interfaces
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.io - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.io
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
- edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization - package edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- elements - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
This array stores the elements in the metric space
- empty_dbl_file(String, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- enable(String) - Method in class bsh.PlexReader
Enable logging, making sure that there is an underlying logstream.
- enableLogging() - Method in class bsh.PlexInterpreter
Turn ON input logging for this Interpreter.
- enclose(Simplex[][]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Convert a Simplex[][] into an ExplicitStream.
- end - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
- end - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
- end - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
- end - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
- endAllIntervals(I) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- endInterval(K, I) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- enqueue(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Tail
- ensure_all_faces() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Make sure all of the faces of simplices in simplex_table are present
in the table as well.
- ensure_faces(Simplex, Double, HashMap<Simplex, Double>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- ensure_length(int[], int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- ensureAllFaces() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
This function ensures that all of the faces of the all of the elements are
present in the stream.
- entries - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.Segment
- entry_limit - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
- epsilon - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- epsilonNeighborhoodSearch(double[], double, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDTree
This function finds all points within an open or closed neighborhood of the query point.
- eql(SimplexStream.Head) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Head
Check equality of Head with another.
- equalPersistenceIntervals(PersistenceInterval.Float[], PersistenceInterval.Float[], double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Are two PersistenceInterval.Float[] arguments sufficiently equal?
- equals(Chain) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
Chain equals implementation.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
Overrides Object equals.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
Overrides Object equals.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
Overrides Object equals.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
Overrides Object equals.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
Are two persistence intervals equivalent.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
Are two persistence intervals equivalent.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
Are two persistence intervals equivalent.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
Are two persistence intervals equivalent.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex.BettiNumbers
Determine if two instances of BettiNumbers are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Overrides Object equals.
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- equals(Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.Point2D
- erdosGallaiCriteria(int[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Checks the Erdos-Gallai criteria for a particular value of k.
- ErdosRenyiGraph - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
Implements the Erdos-Renyi G(n,p) model.
- ErdosRenyiGraph(int, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ErdosRenyiGraph
- erParameter - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
- estimateDiameter(AbstractIntMetricSpace) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function estimates the diameter of a metric space.
- estimateDiameter(AbstractIntMetricSpace, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
This function estimates the diameter of the supplied metric space.
- estimateDiameter(AbstractIntMetricSpace) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
This function performs randomized sampling to find the estimated diameter of the given
metric space.
- estimateRmax(PointData, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
Estimate Rmax for a given PointData and landmark set.
- EuclideanArrayData - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The EuclideanArrayData
class is the simplest implementation
of NSpace.
- EuclideanArrayData() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
- EuclideanArrayData(double[], int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
The obvious constructor for this class.
- EuclideanArrayData(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
Construct a EuclideanArrayData instance from a double[][].
- EuclideanArrayData(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
- EuclideanArrayData(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
- EuclideanArrayData(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a random EuclideanArrayData instance.
- EuclideanArrayData(double[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a EuclideanArrayData instance from a data array.
- EuclideanArrayData(double[][]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a EuclideanArrayData instance from a double[][].
- EuclideanArrayData(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a EuclideanArrayData instance from a text file containing a
distance matrix.
- euclideanGcd(long, long) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- EuclideanMetricSpace - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl
This class implements the standard metric space structure on R^n given by the
Euclidean metric.
- EuclideanMetricSpace(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.EuclideanMetricSpace
This constructor initializes the class with an array of elements.
- evaluate(Interval<Integer>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationConverter
- evaluate(PersistenceInterval[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3ToPlex4BarcodeAdapter
- evaluate(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3ToPlex4SimplexAdapter
- evaluate(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.EccentricityFilterFunction
- evaluate(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.ExplicitIntFilterFunction
- evaluate(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.FilterFunction
- evaluate(int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.IntFilterFunction
- evaluate(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.KernelDensityFilterFunction
- evaluate(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.MaxSimplicialFilterFunction
- evaluate(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.MinSimplicialFilterFunction
- evaluate(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.RandomProjectionFilterFunction
- ExceptionUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
This class contains static functions for aiding in
creating exceptions, and verifying exceptions.
- ExceptionUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ExceptionUtility
- explain() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ClusteredERGraph
- ExplicitCellStream - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
This class is a wrapper for the ExplicitStream class and provides
convenience functions when the base elements are cells.
- ExplicitCellStream() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
Default constructor.
- ExplicitCellStream(double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitCellStream
- ExplicitIntFilterFunction - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- ExplicitIntFilterFunction(double[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.ExplicitIntFilterFunction
- ExplicitLandmarkSelector<T> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark
- ExplicitLandmarkSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.ExplicitLandmarkSelector
- ExplicitMetricSpace - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl
This class implements the AbstractIntMetricSpace interface.
- ExplicitMetricSpace(double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
This constructor initializes the class with the given distance matrix.
- ExplicitSimplexStream - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
This class is a wrapper for the ExplicitStream class and provides
convenience functions when the base elements are simplices.
- ExplicitSimplexStream(Comparator<Simplex>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
This constructor initializes the class with the given simplex
- ExplicitSimplexStream(Comparator<Simplex>, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
- ExplicitSimplexStream() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
This constructor initializes the class with the default simplex comparator.
- ExplicitSimplexStream(double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitSimplexStream
- ExplicitStream - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
A ExplicitStream
instance is SimplexStream whose elements
are given explicitly, along with associated values of a persistence
- ExplicitStream() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Constructor for ExplicitStream.
- ExplicitStream() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Make an empty ExplicitStream.
- ExplicitStream<T extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
This class implements the functionality of a user-defined filtered chain complex.
- ExplicitStream(Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
Constructor which accepts a comparator for comparing the type T.
- ExplicitStream(Comparator<T>, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
- ExplicitStream(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
This constructor initializes the stream from an existing stream.
- ExplicitStream.DComplex - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
A DComplex (for Dimensional Complex) is the set of simplices (and
associated persistence parameters) of specified dimension for an
- ExplicitStream.DComplex(ExplicitStream, int, int[][], double[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
Constructor for DComplex;
- ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
Instances provide Iterator for non-destructive iterating
over entries.
- ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator(ExplicitStream) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator(ExplicitStream, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- exportScatterPlot2D(MatlabWriter, DoubleMatrix2D, String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
This function writes the commands to create a scatter plot of the data in
the supplied matrix.
- exportScatterPlot2D(MatlabWriter, DoubleMatrix2D, String, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
This function writes the commands to create a scatter plot of the data in
the supplied matrix.
- exportScatterPlot3D(MatlabWriter, DoubleMatrix2D, String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
This function writes the commands to create a 3-D scatter plot of the
data in the supplied matrix.
- exportScatterPlot3D(MatlabWriter, DoubleMatrix2D, String, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
This function writes the commands to create a 3-D scatter plot of the
data in the supplied matrix.
- ExternalConverter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration
This class implements a conversion between filtration values and filtration
indices that is given as an argument at instantiation of the converter.
- ExternalConverter(double[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.ExternalConverter
- extractActiveBasisElements(ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
This function returns all of the basis elements in a chain which have
non-zero coefficients.
- extractActiveBasisElements(IntSparseFormalSum<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
This function returns all of the basis elements in a chain which have
non-zero coefficients.
- extractActiveBasisElements(BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
This function returns all of the basis elements in a chain which have
non-zero coefficients.
- extractCoefficients(IntSparseFormalSum<?>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
This function returns the coefficients for a formal sum in the form of a
- extractCoefficients(ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
This function returns the coefficients for a formal sum in the form of a
- extractVertices(List<Simplex>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
This function extracts the set of vertices from a list of simplices and returns a 2-d
array containing the vertices.
- F - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
- F() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
Return the array of persistence parameters corresponding to the
simplices of this dimension.
- faces_are_consistent(Simplex, Double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntClassicalHomology
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This is the field over which we perform the arithmetic computations.
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectClassicalHomology
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This is the field over which we perform the arithmetic computations.
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This is the field over which we perform the arithmetic computations.
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
This is the field over which we perform the arithmetic computations.
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
This is the field over which we perform the arithmetic computations.
- field - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
This is the field over which we perform the arithmetic computations.
- file_exists(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- FileIOUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.io
This class contains various static functions for reading and writing files of
different types.
- FileIOUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileIOUtility
- FileManager - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.io
This class returns canonical paths so that they are in the appropriate format
for the OS in use (e.g.
- fileSaveMenuHandler - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- filter(SimplexTable) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
Filter simplices.
- filter(List<Simplex>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- filter_pintervals(PersistenceInterval.Float[], double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- filterByDimension(IntSparseFormalSum<U>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.SimplexStreamUtility
- filterByMaxDimension(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
- filterByMaximum(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.WeightedBipartiteGraph
- filterByNeighborDistance(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
- filteredComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This comparator provides the dictionary ordering on filtration value - basis element
- filteredComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This comparator provides the dictionary ordering on filtration value - basis element
- filteredComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This comparator provides the dictionary ordering on filtration value - basis element
- filteredComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This comparator provides the dictionary ordering on filtration value - basis element
- filteredComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
This comparator provides the dictionary ordering on filtration value - basis element
- FilteredComparator<M> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility
This class provides filtration based comparison of basis elements.
- FilteredComparator(AbstractFilteredStream<M>, Comparator<M>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.FilteredComparator
This constructor initializes the class with a filtered chain complex, and a comparator
on the basis elements.
- FilteredStreamInterface - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.api
- FilteredStreamInterface() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.FilteredStreamInterface
- filterEvenIntervals(AnnotatedBarcodeCollection<Integer, G>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
- FilterFunction<T> - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- FilterFunctionUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.mapper
- FilterFunctionUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.mapper.FilterFunctionUtility
- FilterInfinite(PersistenceInterval[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Summarize the semi-infinite PersistenceIntervals.
- FilterInfinite(PersistenceBasisInterval[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Summarize the semi-infinite PersistenceBasisIntervals.
- filterIntervalPairsByMinimumLength(Iterable<ObjectObjectPair<Interval<Double>, G>>, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
Given a collection of intervals object pairs, this function returns those intervals with length greater than or equal to the minimum specified.
- filterIntervalsByMinimumLength(Iterable<Interval<Double>>, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
Given a collection of intervals, this function returns those intervals with length greater than or equal to the minimum specified.
- filterLargest(List<Interval<Double>>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.BottleneckDistance
- filterPositiveMeasureIntervals() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
- FiltrationConverter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration
This interface defines a mapping between filtration values and filtration indices.
- FiltrationConverter() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationConverter
- FiltrationUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration
This class contains various static functions that aid in the transformation between objects
defined in terms of filtration indices to objects defined in terms of filtration values.
- FiltrationUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationUtility
- finalizeMatlabWriter(MatlabWriter) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
This function cleans up a MatlabWriter when it is no longer in use.
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- finalizeStream() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function prepares the stream for use by a consumer, such as the
PersistentHomology class.
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- finalizeStream() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function prepares the stream for use by a consumer, such as the
PersistentHomology class.
- finalizeStream() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- finalizeStructure() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- finalizeStructure() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- finalizeStructure() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function sets the stream as being finalized.
- find(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.DisjointSetSystem
- find(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.DisjointSetSystem
Returns the index of the representative
- find_simplices(double, double, int, int, int[], PointData) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
- find_simplices(double, int, PointData) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
- find_simplices(double, double, int, int[], PointData) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
- findColumnWithGivenLow(List<IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y, Comparator<Y>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function finds the index of the first column such that the column's low value is the value specified.
- findColumnWithGivenLow(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y, Comparator<Y>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function finds the index of the first column such that the column's low value is the value specified.
- findex - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis.ListItem
- findex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the findex value.
- findex_bound - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
- findexOffset - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
- findFirstIndexContainingElement(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y, Comparator<X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function returns the lowest index such that the given element is found in the chain at that index.
- findLastIndexContainingElement(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y, Comparator<X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function returns the greatest index such that the given element is found in the chain at that index.
- findPath(int, int, List<ObjectIntPair<FlowEdge>>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- finite_eij_array - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
- FiniteMetricSpaceCover - Class in edu.stanford.math.mapper
- FiniteMetricSpaceCover(IntFilterFunction, AbstractIntMetricSpace) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.mapper.FiniteMetricSpaceCover
- firstSmallerPtIndex(int, int, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- fixed_dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- fixed_dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.StackIterator
- FIXED_RULER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRuler - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerBorderColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerFont - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerFontColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerFontMetrics - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerMajorTickColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fixedRulerMinorTickColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- FlagComplexStream - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
This class implements a simplex stream with the property that given its
1-skeleton, its higher skeletons are maximal in the following sense.
- FlagComplexStream(int, FiltrationConverter) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This constructor initializes the class.
- FlagComplexStream(int, FiltrationConverter, int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
- FlagComplexStream(int, FiltrationConverter, StreamStorageStructure<Simplex>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
- FlexibleVietorisRipsStream<T> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
This class implements the Vietoris-Rips filtered simplicial complex.
- FlexibleVietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, double, int, FiltrationConverter) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlexibleVietorisRipsStream
Constructor which initializes the complex with a metric space.
- FlexibleVietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, double, int, FiltrationConverter, StreamStorageStructure<Simplex>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlexibleVietorisRipsStream
- FlexibleVietorisRipsStream(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, double, int, FiltrationConverter, int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlexibleVietorisRipsStream
- floorLog2(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function returns the floor of the base-2 logarithm
of the input.
- flow - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonEdge
- FlowEdge - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck
- FlowEdge(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- FlowNetwork - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck
- FlowNetwork() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- fn(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort.Comp
Compare two int arguments, and return an integer less than, equal
to, or greater than 0, depending on whether i is respectively less,
equivalent, or greater than, j.
- fn(long, long) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort.CompL
Compare two long arguments, and return an integer less than, equal
to, or greater than 0, depending on whether i is respectively less,
equivalent, or greater than, j.
- fn(Object, Object) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort.CompObj
Compare two object arguments, and return an integer less than, equal
to, or greater than 0, depending on whether i is respectively less,
equivalent, or greater than, j.
- force() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
Force changes to data back to file.
- FordFulkerson - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck
The Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
- FordFulkerson() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkerson
- FordFulkersonEdge - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck
- FordFulkersonEdge(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonEdge
- FordFulkersonEdge(int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonEdge
- FordFulkersonNode - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck
- FordFulkersonNode(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonNode
- ForestFireGraph - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
This class creates a random graph generated from the forest fire model.
- ForestFireGraph(int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ForestFireGraph
- forgetGeneratorType(AnnotatedBarcodeCollection<T, G>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeCollection
- FormalSumUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
This class contains various utility functions for interacting with formal
sums (chains).
- FormalSumUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.FormalSumUtility
- forwardBurningProbability - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ForestFireGraph
- frame - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexMessageWindow
- fullVisualizationHeight - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- fullVisualizationWidth - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gaussianDensity(double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function evaluates the standard gaussian density
with mean 0 and variance 1.
- gaussianDensity(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function evaluates the 1-dimensional gaussian
density function with specified mean and standard deviation.
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BAGraph
This algorithm makes a power law graph with n nodes.
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryTreeGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.CircleGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ClusteredERGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ErdosRenyiGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ForestFireGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.GraphInstanceGenerator
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Implements "Sequential Algorithm For Random Graph with Given Degrees"
GRAPHS WITH PRESCRIBED DEGREES" By Joseph Blitzstein and Persi Diaconis
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.RandomGeometricGraph
- generate() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.StochasticBlockmodel
- generatePoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.KNearestNeighborsGraph
- generatePoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
This function must generate the set of random points on the manifold.
- generatePoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.SphereGraph
- generatePoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.TorusGraph
- generateString(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- generateUniformPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
This function generates points on the d-dimensional cube [0, 1]^d.
- generateUniqueFileName() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
This function creates a unique filename.
- generateWithRewiring(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.CircleGraph
- generator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- GeneratorDriver - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.generation
This class contains functions for creating auto-generated code.
- GeneratorDriver() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.generation.GeneratorDriver
- generators - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- GeometricSimplexStream - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl
This class defines a geometric realization of a filtered simplicial
complex, ie.
- GeometricSimplexStream(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, AbstractObjectMetricSpace<double[]>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
This constructor initializes the geometric complex from an abstract filtered complex and a metric space.
- GeometricSimplexStream(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, double[][]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
This constructor initializes the geometric complex from an abstract simplicial complex and double array
whose rows consist of the Euclidean coordinates of the vertices.
- get(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
Get the interned version of the Simplex s.
- get_pt(int, double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
Get point.
- get_pt(int, double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
Get point.
- getAbsoluteCohomologyBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample
This function returns the correct absolute cohomology barcodes along with the generators.
- getAbsoluteHomologyBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample
This function returns the correct absolute homology barcodes along with the generators.
- getActiveGenerators() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.AbstractPersistenceTracker
- getActiveGenerators() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getAdjacencyMatrix(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the adjacency matrix of the given graph.
- getAdjacencyMatrix(AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the adjacency matrix of the given graph.
- getAllCellularAbsoluteHomologyAlgorithms(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getAllDistances(AbstractIntMetricSpace, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
- getAllPlex4SimplicialAbsoluteHomologyAlgorithms(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getAllSimplexPairAbsoluteHomologyAlgorithms(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getAllSimplicialAbsoluteHomologyAlgorithms(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getAllWitnesses(double, int...) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- getAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanAbsoluteHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistentHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistentHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanRelativeHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntAbsoluteHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntRelativeHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectAbsoluteHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistentHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistentHomology
- getAnnotatedIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectRelativeHomology
- getAnnulus(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
- getAnnulusVertices(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
- getAppendIndex(Map<Integer, X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- getAscendingIndices(Map<X, Y>, Comparator<X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- getAscendingIndicesContainingElement(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y, Comparator<X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function returns the set of indices such that the chains at the indices contain the given element.
- getAscendingIndicesWithGivenLow(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y, Comparator<X>, Comparator<Y>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- getAssociatedSimplices(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
This function returns the list of simplices such that they have the given
point as their witness.
- getAssociatedSimplices(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
This function returns the list of simplices such that they have the given
point as their witness.
- getBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getBaseOutputPath() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
This function returns the base output path.
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns a comparator on the underlying basis type.
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function returns a comparator on the underlying basis type.
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.BifilteredMetricStream
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- getBasisComparator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- getBasisComparator() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function returns a Comparator object used to define the ordering
on the basis type.
- getBettiNumbers() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns a string representation of the set of betti numbers.
- getBettiNumbersMap(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
- getBettiSequence() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns an array of integers indicating the cardinality of the barcodes at each dimension.
- getBinEndingPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getBinLattice(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getBinLatticePoint(int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getBinMidPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getBinStartingPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getBinStartPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getBooleanCellularAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanCellularClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanCellularRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanSimplexPairAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanSimplexPairClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanSimplexPairRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanSimplicialAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanSimplicialClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBooleanSimplicialRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getBoundary(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getBoundary(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getBoundary(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getBoundary(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getBoundary(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getBoundary(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns the elements in the boundary of the supplied
basisElement, without the coefficients.
- getBoundary(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getBoundary(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function returns the elements in the boundary of the supplied
basisElement, without the coefficients.
- getBoundary(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- getBoundaryArray() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
- getBoundaryArray() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.PrimitiveBasisElement
This function returns the boundary of the current basis element.
- getBoundaryArray() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
- getBoundaryArray() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPair
- getBoundaryCoefficients() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
- getBoundaryCoefficients() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.PrimitiveBasisElement
This function returns the coefficients of the elements of the boundary array.
- getBoundaryCoefficients() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
- getBoundaryCoefficients() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPair
- getBoundaryCoefficients(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getBoundaryCoefficients(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getBoundaryCoefficients(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getBoundaryCoefficients(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getBoundaryCoefficients(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getBoundaryCoefficients(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns the coefficients of the boundary of the supplied
basis element.
- getBoundaryCoefficients(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getBoundaryCoefficients(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function returns the coefficients of the boundary of the supplied
basis element.
- getBoundaryCoefficients(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- getBoundaryIds() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
This function returns the cell ids of the boundary elements.
- getBoundaryMatrixColumns(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns the boundary matrix at the specified dimension as a list of columns
- getBoundaryMatrixColumns(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, int, ObjectAlgebraicFreeModule<R, T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function produces a list of formal sums which are the columns of the boundary
matrix at the requested dimension.
- getCandidateList(int[], int, AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Computes the set of j!=i such that multiminus(d,i,j) is graphical and
(i,j) is not already an edge.
- getCapacity() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- getCategoryOutputPath(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
This function returns the category output path.
- getCellComplex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample
This function returns the cell complex.
- getCellId() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
This function returns the unique identifier of the cell.
- getCellularKleinBottle() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
This function returns a cellular Klein bottle.
- getCellularMobiusBand() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
This function returns a cell decomposition of the Mobius band.
- getCellularRP2() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
This function returns a cell decomposition of RP^2 (the real projective plane).
- getCellularSphere(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
This function returns a cell decomposition of the n-sphere.
- getCellularTorus() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
This function returns a static cell complex containing a torus.
- getChainModule() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This function returns the free module used for the arithmetic computations.
- getChainModule() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This function returns the free module used for the arithmetic computations.
- getChainModule() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This function returns the free module used for the arithmetic computations.
- getChainModule() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This function returns the free module used for the arithmetic computations.
- getCircle(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a simplicial circle with m vertices in it.
- getClosedNeighborhood(double[], double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getClosedNeighborhood(Integer, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- getClosedNeighborhood(T, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- getClosedNeighborhood(T, double) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractSearchableMetricSpace
This function returns the set of indices of points that are contained in the closed ball
of radius epsilon, centered at the specified query point.
- getClosedNeighborhood(T, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getColorCode(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- getColumnHeading(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function returns the heading of the specified column.
- getCommonAncestor(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryTree
- getConverter() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This function returns the FiltrationConverter object used by the complex.
- getCounts() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getDailyOutputPath() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
This function returns the daily output path.
- getDefaultBoundaryCoefficients(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
This function returns the standard sequence of boundary coefficients
used in simplicial homology, defined by c_i = (-1)^i.
- getDefaultCellularAlgorithm(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function returns the default (absolute) cellular persistent homology algorithm.
- getDefaultEncoderFormat() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.BufferedImageWriter
- getDefaultExtension() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
- getDefaultNuValue() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- getDefaultSimplicialAlgorithm(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function returns the default (absolute) simplicial persistent homology algorithm.
- getDefaultSimplicialPairAlgorithm(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
- getDefaultStorageStructure(Comparator<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructureFactory
This function returns the default stream storage structure for the type T.
- getDegree(int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
- getDegree(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- getDegree(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getDegreeSequence() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
- getDegreeSequence() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- getDegreeSequence() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getDelta() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getDepth(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryTree
Returns the depth of a node in a breadth-first labeled binary tree rooted
at 1.
- getDest() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- getDiameter(DoubleSparseFormalSum<Simplex>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.SkeletalMetric
- getDifference(Iterable<U>, Iterable<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.CollectionUtility
- getDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexFaceIterator
Return the dimension of the faces generated by this iterator.
- getDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
- getDimension() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.PrimitiveBasisElement
This function returns the dimension of the basis element.
- getDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
- getDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPair
- getDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- getDimension(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getDimension(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getDimension(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.HomStream
- getDimension(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getDimension(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getDimension(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getDimension(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns the dimension of a basis element within
the chain complex.
- getDimension(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getDimension(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function returns the dimension of a basis element within
the chain complex.
- getDimension(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- getDimensions() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns the set of dimensions at which there are intervals.
- getDisjointPatches(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
- getEdges(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- getEnd() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns the end of the interval.
- getEndpoints(AnnotatedBarcodeCollection<Double, G>, int, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
This function returns an array containing the set of endpoint of the
- getEndpoints(List<Interval<Double>>, int, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
This function returns an array containing the set of endpoint of the
- getEntry(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function returns the entry in the table located at (row, column).
- getEquispacedCirclePoints(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns a point set containing n equally spaced points on a
- getERHierarchyLevelCount(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
- getErParameter() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
- getExtension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.io.GraphDotWriter
- getExtension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.BarcodeWriter
- getExtension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.BufferedImageWriter
- getExtension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.DoubleArrayReaderWriter
- getExtension() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.ObjectWriter
- getExtension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.SimplexStreamReaderWriter
- getField() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This function returns the field over which the homology is computed.
- getField() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This function returns the field over which the homology is computed.
- getField() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This function returns the field over which the homology is computed.
- getFilteredTriangle() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a filtered triangle where each simplex enters at a new filtration index.
- getFiltrationIndex(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.ExternalConverter
This function computes the index based on a filtration value.
- getFiltrationIndex(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationConverter
This function computes the index based on a filtration value.
- getFiltrationIndex(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IdentityConverter
- getFiltrationIndex(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getFiltrationIndex(double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.StaticConverter
- getFiltrationIndex(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getFiltrationIndex(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getFiltrationIndex(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns the filtration index of the requested basis element.
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- getFiltrationIndex(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function returns the filtration index of the given basis element.
- getFiltrationValue(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.ExternalConverter
This function computes the filtration value from a filtration index.
- getFiltrationValue(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationConverter
This function computes the filtration value from a filtration index.
- getFiltrationValue(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IdentityConverter
- getFiltrationValue(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getFiltrationValue(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.StaticConverter
- getFiltrationValue(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getFiltrationValue(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getFiltrationValue(ObjectObjectPair<T, U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getFiltrationValue(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getFiltrationValue(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.ExplicitStream
- getFiltrationValue(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
- getFiltrationValue(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getFiltrationValue(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- getFiltrationValue(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
- getFiltrationValue(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function returns the filtration multi-index of the requested basis element.
- getFiltrationValue(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- getFiniteAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getFiniteAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getFiniteAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getFiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getFiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getFiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getFirstGradedProjectionMap(IntAlgebraicFreeModule<U>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<V>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- getFlow(FlowEdge) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- getFormats() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- getGaussianPoints(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns n points distributed to a standard Gaussian distribution in d-dimensional
Euclidean space.
- getGenerator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- getGeneratorIterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns an iterator for traversing the generators.
- getGeneratorsAtDimension(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns the set of generators at a specified dimension.
- getHashedStorageStructure(Comparator<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructureFactory
This function creates a new hashed storage structure.
- getHgLeafCount() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
- getHomotopies() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.HomStream
- getHomotopies(ObjectAlgebraicFreeModule<R, ObjectObjectPair<T, U>>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.HomStream
This function returns the set of chain homotopies of between the domain and codomain chain complexes.
- getHomotopiesAsDouble(ObjectAlgebraicFreeModule<R, ObjectObjectPair<T, U>>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.HomStream
This function returns the set of chain homotopies between the domain and codomain chain complexes as formal
sums over pairs with double coefficients.
- getHouseExample() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This produces the house example in the tutorial by Henry Adams.
- getIcosahedron() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
- getIcosahedronVertices() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
- getImpliedClusters(DisjointSetSystem) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- getImpliedClustersTrove(DisjointSetSystem) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- getInactiveGenerators() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.AbstractPersistenceTracker
- getInactiveGenerators() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getInclusionMap() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- getIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDNode
- getIndices() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.TruncatedPriorityQueue
This function returns the list of indices currently in the queue.
- getInfiniteAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getInfiniteAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getInfiniteAnnotatedBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getInfiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getInfiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- getInfiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getInfiniteIntervals() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.AnnotatedBarcodeCollection
- getInitialFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.ExternalConverter
This function returns the filtration at index 0.
- getInitialFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.FiltrationConverter
This function returns the filtration at index 0.
- getInitialFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IdentityConverter
- getInitialFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getInitialFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.StaticConverter
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.metric.ShortestPathMetric
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.IntervalLengthComparator
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.CellComparator
This static function returns the one instance of the class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexComparator
This static function returns the one instance of the class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.SimplexPairComparator
This static function returns the one instance of the class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IdentityConverter
This returns the single instance of the class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.StaticConverter
This returns the single instance of the class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3ToPlex4BarcodeAdapter
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3ToPlex4SimplexAdapter
- getInstance(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3ToPlex4SimplexAdapter
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.BarcodeWriter
- getInstance(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.BufferedImageWriter
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.DoubleArrayReaderWriter
- getInstance() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.SimplexStreamReaderWriter
- getIntCellularAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntCellularClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntCellularRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getInterned(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
Return the interned version of a Simplex.
- getIntervalGeneratorPairIterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns an iterator for traversing the interval-generator pairs.
- getIntervalGeneratorPairsAtDimension(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns the set of interval-generator pairs at a specified dimension.
- getIntervalIterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns an iterator for traversing the intervals.
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanAbsoluteHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistentHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistentHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, BooleanSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanRelativeHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntAbsoluteHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, THashMap<U, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntRelativeHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectAbsoluteHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistentHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>, boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistentHomology
- getIntervals(ObjectObjectPair<THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>, THashMap<U, ObjectSparseFormalSum<F, U>>>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectRelativeHomology
- getIntervalsAtDimension(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
This function returns the set of intervals at a specified dimension.
- getIntervalTracker() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getIntervalTracker() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getIntSimplexPairAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntSimplexPairClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntSimplexPairRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntSimplicialAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntSimplicialClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getIntSimplicialRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getKNearestNeighbors(Integer, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- getKNearestNeighbors(T, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- getKNearestNeighbors(T, int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractSearchableMetricSpace
This function returns the indices of the k points that are closest to the given query point.
- getKNearestNeighbors(T, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getKthNearestNeighborDistances(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
- getLandmarkIndex(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
This function returns the index of the i-th landmark point.
- getLandmarkPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getLandmarkSelector(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- getLaplacianMatrix(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the Laplacian matrix of a graph.
- getLaplacianMatrix(AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the Laplacian matrix of a graph.
- getLastZeroBinIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getLeft() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDNode
- getLength(Interval<Double>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
- getLineStyle(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- getListOfPairs() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.TruncatedPriorityQueue
This function returns the list of object-value pairs currently in the queue.
- getLongestAnnotatedBarcodes(List<ObjectObjectPair<Interval<Double>, G>>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
- getLongestBarcodes(List<Interval<Double>>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.BarcodeUtility
- getLowerNeighbors(int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
This function returns the set of neighbors of vertex i in the graph
which have indices less than i.
- getLowerNeighbors(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
This function returns the set of neighbors of vertex i in the graph which
have indices less than i.
- getLowerNeighbors(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
This function returns the set of neighbors of vertex i in the graph
which have indices less than i.
- getMarkerStyle(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- getMax() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getMaxBarWidth(List<Interval<Double>>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.BarcodeVisualizer
- getMaxDepth() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryTree
- getMaxDisplayableBars() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
Returns the maximum number of barcodes that can be "plotted".
- getMaxDistanceFromPointsToLandmarks() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
This function returns the maximum distance between points in the landmark
selection and points not in the selection.
- getMaxFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getMaximumCoordinates() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function gets the maximum filtration index in the complex.
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- getMaximumFiltrationIndex() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function gets the maximum filtration index in the complex.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.EccentricityFilterFunction
- getMaxValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.ExplicitIntFilterFunction
- getMaxValue() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.IntFilterFunction
- getMaxValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.KernelDensityFilterFunction
- getMaxValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.RandomProjectionFilterFunction
- getMergedDistances() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- getMin() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- getMinFiltrationValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getMinimumCoordinates() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function gets the minimum filtration index in the complex.
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- getMinimumFiltrationIndex() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function gets the minimum filtration index in the complex.
- getMinValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.EccentricityFilterFunction
- getMinValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.ExplicitIntFilterFunction
- getMinValue() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.IntFilterFunction
- getMinValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.KernelDensityFilterFunction
- getMinValue() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.RandomProjectionFilterFunction
- getModularCellularAlgorithm(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function returns a cellular persistence algorithm over the finite field Z/pZ.
- getModularSimplicialAlgorithm(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function returns a simplicial persistence algorithm over the finite field Z/pZ.
- getMorozovJohanssonExample() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellStreamExamples
This function returns the filtered cell complex which is the running example in the
paper "Dualities in Persistent (Co)homology" by de Silva, Morozov and Johansson.
- getNearestNeighbors(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
This function gets the indices of the k nearest neighbors
to the point at the specified index.
- getNearestPointIndex(double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getNearestPointIndex(Integer) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- getNearestPointIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- getNearestPointIndex(T) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractSearchableMetricSpace
This function returns the index of the point within the metric space nearest to
the given query point.
- getNearestPointIndex(T) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getNeighborhoodGraph() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This returns the neighborhood graph (equivalent to the 1-skeleton) of the
- getNeighborhoodGraph(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns a graph containing the 1-skeleton of a given filtered simplicial complex.
- getNeighborhoodGraph(AbstractFilteredStream<Simplex>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function returns the 1-skeleton of a filtered simplicial complex in the form of an undirected graph.
- getNeighbors(int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
- getNeighbors(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- getNeighbors(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getNextColor() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- getNextLineStyle() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- getNextMarker() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- getNumDivisions() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
- getNumEdges() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
Gets the number of edges in the graph.
- getNumEdges() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- getNumEdges() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getNumVertices() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
Gets the number of vertices in the graph.
- getNumVertices() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- getNumVertices() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getOctahedron() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a simplicial octahedron.
- getOctahedronVertices() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns the vertices of an octahedron.
- getOpenNeighborhood(double[], double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getOpenNeighborhood(Integer, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- getOpenNeighborhood(T, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- getOpenNeighborhood(T, double) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractSearchableMetricSpace
This function returns the set of indices of points that are contained in the open ball
of radius epsilon, centered at the specified query point.
- getOpenNeighborhood(T, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getPlex3SimplicialAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- getPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- getPoint(int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractObjectMetricSpace
This function returns the point at the specified index.
- getPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getPoint(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.SkeletalMetric
- getPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDEuclideanMetricSpace
- getPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ExplicitMetricSpace
- getPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.ObjectSearchableFiniteMetricSpace
- getPoints() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.interfaces.AbstractObjectMetricSpace
This function returns the set of points in the metric space as an array.
- getPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getPoints() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.SkeletalMetric
- getPrependIndex(Map<Integer, X>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- getProbabilities() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
- getProbabilities(int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
We need one probability for each potential common ancestor depth
- getProbabilities(int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
We need one probability for each potential common ancestor depth
- getProbabilityPartition(int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BAGraph
Constructs a partition p of [0,1] such that p[i+1]-p[i] is proportional
to the degree of node i in the list d.
- getProbabilityPartition(int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Constructs a partition p of [0,1] such that p[i+1]-p[i] is proportional
to the degree of node i in the list d.
- getRandomCirclePoints(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns a point set containing n randomly selected points,
ordered clockwise on a circle.
- getRandomFigure8Points(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns randomly generated points on a figure-8 in the plane.
- getRandomIntInRange(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ClusteredERGraph
- getRandomSpherePoints(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns n uniformly random point on the d-dimensional sphere as a subset
of R^{d+1}.
- getRandomSphereProductPoints(int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns uniformly distributed points on the space S^k x ...
- getRandomTorusPoints(int, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns non-uniformly generated points on the torus in R^3.
- getRandomTrefoilKnotPoints(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
- getRangeMax() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.RandomProjectionFilterFunction
- getRationalCellularAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalCellularAlgorithm(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function returns a cellular persistence algorithm over the the rational numbers.
- getRationalCellularClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalCellularRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalHomAlgorithm() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function creates a persistent homology algorithm over the rationals for computing homology of simplicial hom complexes.
- getRationalSimplexPairAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalSimplexPairClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalSimplexPairRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalSimplicialAbsoluteHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalSimplicialAlgorithm(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
This function returns a simplicial persistence algorithm over the the rational numbers.
- getRationalSimplicialClassicalHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRationalSimplicialRelativeHomology(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- getRelativeCohomologyBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample
This function returns the correct relative cohomology barcodes along with the generators.
- getRelativeHomologyBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.DeSilvaMorozovJohanssonExample
This function returns the correct relative homology barcodes along with the generators.
- getReverseEdge() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- getRight() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDNode
- getRootedGraphSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
- getRow(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Y) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- getSecondGradedProjectionMap(IntAlgebraicFreeModule<U>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<V>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- getSignOfLast() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexFaceIterator
Return the sign of the last face -- only useful when codimension is 1.
- getSimplex(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the simplex for a given set of vertices.
- getSimplex(int[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the simplex for a given set of vertices, including setting findex.
- getSimplexPresorted(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the simplex for an already verified array of vertices.
- getSimplexPresorted(int[], int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the simplex for an already verified array of vertices, including
setting findex.
- getSimplicialSphere(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a static simplicial complex containing an n-sphere.
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- getSize() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function returns the total number of elements in the stream.
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- getSize() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function returns the total number of elements in the stream.
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- getSize() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- getSize() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function returns the number of elements in the storage structure.
- getSkeleton(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function dumps the k-skeleton of a chain complex into a list.
- getSkeletonSize(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.utility.StreamUtility
This function computes the size of the k-skeleton of a chain complex.
- getSortedStorageStructure(Comparator<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructureFactory
This function creates a new sorted storage structure.
- getSource() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- getSparseAdjacencyMatrix(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the adjacency matrix of the given graph.
- getSparseAdjacencyMatrix(AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the adjacency matrix of the given graph.
- getSparseLaplacianMatrix(AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the Laplacian matrix of a graph.
- getSparseLaplacianMatrix(AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
This function computes the Laplacian matrix of a graph.
- getSplitAxis() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.kd.KDNode
- getSquare() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function produces a square in the plane.
- getStart() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns the start of the interval.
- getStart() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- getState() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.AbstractHomologyTracker
- getState() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getState() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getStateWithoutFiniteBarcodes() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- getStateWithoutFiniteBarcodes(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- getSubset(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.VietorisRipsBootstrapper
- getSubset(double[][], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- getTetrahedron() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a simplicial tetrahedron (which happens
to be equal to a simplicial 2-sphere).
- getTetrahedronVertices() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
This function returns the vertices of an tetrahedron.
- getTitle() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.Table
This function returns the title of the table.
- getTorus() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a simplicial 2-torus.
- getTreeDepth(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
We want to construct the smallest binary tree of size 2^{d+1}-1 (d>0)
such that there are at least n leaves.
- getTriangle() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a simplicial triangle (which happens
to be equal to a simplicial 1-sphere).
- getUnderlyingMetricSpace() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
- getUniqueCategoryOutputPath(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
This function returns a unique category output path for the specified
- getUniqueFilePath(String, String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
- getUniqueOutputPath() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.FileManager
This function returns a unique output path.
- getUnweightedAdjacencySets() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getValues() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.EccentricityFilterFunction
- getValues() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.ExplicitIntFilterFunction
- getValues() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.IntFilterFunction
- getValues() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.KernelDensityFilterFunction
- getValues() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.RandomProjectionFilterFunction
- getVertices() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
This function returns an array containing the vertices of the simplex.
- getWeight(int, int) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractWeightedUndirectedGraph
This function returns the weight of the edge (i, j).
- getWeight(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- getWitnessAndDistance(int...) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- getZomorodianCarlssonExample() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.SimplexStreamExamples
This function returns a filtered simplicial complex which is shown in
Figure 1 of the paper "Computing Persistent Homology" by Zomorodian and Carlsson.
- granularity - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
- granularity - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
The granularity used in assigning filtration indices to simplices.
- granularity - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
- GraphDotWriter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.io
- GraphDotWriter() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.io.GraphDotWriter
- graphImplementation - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.GraphInstanceGenerator
- GraphInstanceGenerator - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
This class abstracts the construction of graphs.
- GraphInstanceGenerator() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.GraphInstanceGenerator
- GraphInstanceGenerator(GraphInstanceGenerator.ImplementationType) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.GraphInstanceGenerator
- GraphInstanceGenerator.ImplementationType - Enum in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
- GraphMetricFactory - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.metric
This interface defines the functionality of a factory which creates a metric space on a
given graph.
- GraphUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility
This class contains various static functions for manipulating graphs.
- GraphUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.utility.GraphUtility
- greatCircleDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function returns the great circle distance (geodesic distance)
between two points on the unit sphere.
- greatCircleDistance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function returns the great circle distance between two
points on the unit sphere given their rectangular coordinates.
- gridHeight - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridIsVisible - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridOff() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- gridOn() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- gridRulerFont - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridRulerFontColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridRulerFontMetrics - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridTickMajorColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridTickMinorColor - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- gridWidth - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- grow(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.DisjointSetSystem
- grow_table(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
- HalfplaneFlattener<T extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi
This flattener maps a filtration value vector, x, to the smallest integer k such that
<= k
where p is the specified principal direction.
- HalfplaneFlattener(double[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.HalfplaneFlattener
- has_next_index() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- hash32(byte[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for an array of bytes.
- hash32(short[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for an array of shorts.
- hash32(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for an array of ints.
- hash32(float[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for an array of float.
- hash32(long[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for an array of longs.
- hash32(double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for an array of double.
- hash32(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 32-bit CRC for a matrix of doubles.
- hash32(long, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Easily testable function which computes 32-bit CRC for a single long.
- hash32tab0 - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Internal table used by CRC code.
- hash64(byte[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 64-bit CRC for an array of bytes.
- hash64(short[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 64-bit CRC for an array of shorts.
- hash64(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 64-bit CRC for an array of ints.
- hash64(float[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 64-bit CRC for an array of float.
- hash64(long[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 64-bit CRC for an array of longs.
- hash64(double[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Compute 64-bit CRC for an array of double.
- hash64(long, long) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Easily testable function which computes 64-bit CRC for a single long.
- hash64tab0 - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Internal table used by CRC code.
- hash64tab1 - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.CRC
Internal table used by CRC code.
- HashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
Because we override equals, we also need to override HashCode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Overrides Object hashcode.
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowEdge
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Cell
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- hashCode() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.Point2D
- HashedStorageStructure<T extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures
This class provides a stream storage mechanism that is based on a multi-layer map.
- HashedStorageStructure(Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
This construction initializes the class with a comparator for comparing the basis elements.
- HashedStorageStructureIterator<E> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures
This class implements the Iterator interface for a HashedStorageStructure.
- HashedStorageStructureIterator(TIntObjectHashMap<TIntObjectHashMap<List<E>>>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructureIterator
This constructor accepts a filtration index -> dimension -> list mapping.
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
Is there a larger dimensional DComplex for this stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
Returns true if the iterator has more simplices.
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Is there a next Simplex in the stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
Is there a next Simplex in the stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete.DSS
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Is there a next Simplex in the stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexFaceIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream
Is there a next Simplex in the stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
Is there a next Simplex in the stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.StackIterator
Returns true if the iterator has more simplices.
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable.SimpleTableIterator
Returns true if the iterator has more simplices.
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.TmpStream
Returns true if the stream has more simplices.
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
Is there a next Simplex in the stream?
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListEdgeIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructureIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.IntOrderedIterator
- hasPerfectMatching() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.WeightedBipartiteGraph
- heightOfBaseRegionUsedForPlotLegendRulerLabels - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- hgLeafCount - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
- HierarchicalClustering - Class in edu.stanford.math.clustering
- HierarchicalClustering(AbstractIntMetricSpace) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- HierarchicalERGraph - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
- HierarchicalERGraph(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.HierarchicalERGraph
Note: n and m should each be a power of 2
- HIGH_PRECISION - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
- highlightGenerator(BooleanSparseFormalSum<Simplex>, Color) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyGeneratorVisualizer
- HistogramCreator - Class in edu.stanford.math.mapper
- holdOff() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- holdOn() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
- HomologyBasisTracker<U extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag
This class maintains the right-filtration for performing zig-zag homology.
- HomologyBasisTracker(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- HomologyGeneratorVisualizer - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- HomologyGeneratorVisualizer() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyGeneratorVisualizer
- HomologyUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility
This class contains static utility functions to aid
the homology computations.
- HomologyUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.utility.HomologyUtility
- HomologyVisualizer - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- HomologyVisualizer() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyVisualizer
- HomStream<T,U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived
This implements the hom-complex from two filtered chain complexes.
- HomStream(AbstractFilteredStream<T>, AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.HomStream
This constructor initializes the hom-complexes from two existing chain complexes.
- huberPenaltyFunction(double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function computes the Huber penalty function of an
- identifyPoints(ExplicitCellStream, int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.CellComplexOperations
This function collapses the points in the supplied array to a single point.
- IdentityConverter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration
This class defines a filtration value conversion which simply defines the filtration
value to be equal to the filtration index.
- illegal_interval_string(int, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- ImageRegion - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- ImageRegion() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.ImageRegion
- ImageRegion.Double - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- ImageRegion.Double(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.ImageRegion.Double
- ImageRegion.Int - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- ImageRegion.Int(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.ImageRegion.Int
- implementationType - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.GraphInstanceGenerator
- importFromFile(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.DoubleArrayReaderWriter
- importFromFile(String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.ObjectReader
- importFromFile(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.ObjReader
- importFromFile(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.SimplexStreamReaderWriter
- include(AbstractHomologyTracker<Integer, I, ?, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, AbstractHomologyTracker<Integer, I, ?, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, AbstractHomologyTracker<Integer, I, ?, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, IntervalTracker<Integer, I, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<U>, I, I) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- IncreasingLinearConverter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration
This class implements a conversion between filtration values and filtration
indices that is linear and increasing.
- IncreasingLinearConverter(int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
This constructor initializes the object with the number of divisions in the range, and the
minimum and maximum values.
- IncreasingLinearConverter(int, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.filtration.IncreasingLinearConverter
This initializes the object with a default minimum filtration value of zero.
- IncreasingOrthantFlattener<T extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi
- IncreasingOrthantFlattener(double[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.IncreasingOrthantFlattener
- incrementalExpansion(UndirectedWeightedListGraph, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
This function performs the incremental expansion of the complex.
- incrementFlow(FlowEdge, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- indexedComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- indexedComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
This comparator provides the dictionary ordering on filtration value - basis element
- indexMapping - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
This array holds the mapping between the indices of the landmark points,
and the indices within the metric space.
- indexSelections - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- indices - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
- indices - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- InducedHomologyMappingUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap
- InducedHomologyMappingUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- infiniteExtent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
Is this PersistenceBasisInterval semi-infinite in extent?
- infiniteExtent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval
Is this PersistenceBasisInterval semi-infinite in extent?
- infiniteExtent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
Is this PersistenceBasisInterval semi-infinite in extent?
- infiniteExtent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
Is this PersistenceInterval semi-infinite in extent?
- infiniteExtent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval
Is this PersistenceInterval semi-infinite in extent?
- infiniteExtent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
Is this PersistenceInterval semi-infinite in extent?
- INFINITY - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- init_okay(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex.BettiNumbers
- initializeFilteredComparator(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This function simply updates the filtered comparator to the one induced by the given filtered stream.
- initializeFilteredComparator(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This function simply updates the filtered comparator to the one induced by the given filtered stream.
- initializeFilteredComparator(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This function simply updates the filtered comparator to the one induced by the given filtered stream.
- initializeFilteredComparator(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This function simply updates the filtered comparator to the one induced by the given filtered stream.
- initializeFilteredComparator(AbstractFilteredStream<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
This function simply updates the filtered comparator to the one induced by the given filtered stream.
- initializeGraph(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.GraphInstanceGenerator
- initializeWithSeed(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.RandomUtility
This function initializes the seeds of the random number generators to the specified
- initJFrame() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- insert(T, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.impl.TruncatedPriorityQueue
This function inserts the given object (or index), with a specified value into the queue.
- insertComments(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
This function modifies the input string so that it will be properly
printed as a comment in Matlab.
- IntAbsoluteHomology<U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology
- IntAbsoluteHomology(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntAbsoluteHomology
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- IntClassicalHomology<U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology
This class performs the persistent homology algorithm as outlined in
the paper "Computing Persistent Homology" by Zomorodian and Carlsson.
- IntClassicalHomology(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntClassicalHomology
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- integerChainModule - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- integerComparator - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- internalExternalIndexMap - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- internalIndex - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- intersect(TIntHashSet, TIntHashSet) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
This function computes the intersection of two sets.
- intersection_count(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- intersectionGraph(List<TIntHashSet>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MapperPipeline
- Interval<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes
This class implements the functionality of an interval of values of any comparable type.
- IntervalDescriptor<T,G> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag
- IntervalDescriptor(T, int, G) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalDescriptor
- intervalGeneratorPairs - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- IntervalLengthComparator - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes
- intervals - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- intervalTracker - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- IntervalTracker<K,I extends java.lang.Comparable<I>,G> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag
- IntervalTracker() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- intField - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- IntFilterFunction - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- IntOrderedIterator<E> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures
This class provides iteration over the second component of each element
in an Iterable collection of type IntObjectPair.
- IntOrderedIterator(Iterable<IntObjectPair<E>>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.IntOrderedIterator
This constructor initializes the iterator with an iterable collection
over the type IntObjectPair.
- IntPersistenceAlgorithm<U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology
This class defines the functionality for a persistence algorithm with underlying
field type being int and underlying basis element type being U.
- IntPersistenceAlgorithm(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- IntPersistentHomology<U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology
This class defines the functionality for a persistence algorithm with underlying
field type being int and underlying basis element type being U.
- IntPersistentHomology(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistentHomology
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- IntRelativeHomology<U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology
- IntRelativeHomology(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntRelativeHomology
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- invoke(Interpreter, CallStack) - Static method in class bsh.commands.log
Implement log() command.
- invoke(Interpreter, CallStack, String) - Static method in class bsh.commands.log
Implement log(String logfile_name) command.
- invoke(Interpreter, CallStack, boolean) - Static method in class bsh.commands.log
Implement log(boolean on_flag) command.
- invoke(Interpreter, CallStack, String) - Static method in class bsh.commands.setLogging
Implement setLogging(String default_dir) command.
- invoke(Interpreter, CallStack, boolean) - Static method in class bsh.commands.setLogging
Implement setLogging(boolean default_on_flag) command.
- is_permutation(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- isBoundary(G) - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.AbstractHomologyTracker
- isBoundary(IntSparseFormalSum<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- isBoundary(IntSparseFormalSum<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- isCycle(IntSparseFormalSum<U>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.HomologyBasisTracker
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- isFinalized() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.AbstractFilteredStream
This function checks whether the finalize() function has been called.
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- isFinalized() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.AbstractMultifilteredStream
This function checks whether the finalize() function has been called.
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- isFinalized() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- isFinalized() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.StreamStorageStructure
This function returns true if the stream has been finalized.
- isGraphical(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Determines if a degree sequence is realizable using the Erdos-Gallai
- isInfinite() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function indicates whether the interval is infinite (either left or
right infinite, or both).
- isLeftClosed() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function indicates whether the interval is closed on the left.
- isLeftInfinite() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function indicates whether the interval is left-infinite.
- isMonotoneIncreasing(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- isRightClosed() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function indicates whether the interval is closed on the right.
- isRightInfinite() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function indicates whether the interval is right-infinite.
- isWitness(int, Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- isWitness(int, int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- isZero(Chain) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- isZero() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.BoundedIntervalCover
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.FiniteMetricSpaceCover
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.SetCover1D
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Make an iterator for the stream.
- iterator(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Make an iterator for the stream elements of fixed dimension.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
Make an iterator for the stream.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete.DSS
Make an iterator for the stream.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Make an iterator for the stream.
- iterator(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Make an iterator for the stream elements of fixed dimension.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
Make a non-destructive iterator for the Stack.
- iterator(int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
Make a non-destructive iterator for fixed dimensional entries in the Stack.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
Make an iterator for the table.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.TmpStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
Make an iterator for the stream.
- iterator() - Method in interface edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.AbstractUndirectedGraph
This function returns an edge iterator that allows the user to
iterate over the set of edges in the graph.
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedListGraph
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.UndirectedWeightedListGraph
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.DualStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TensorStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.derived.TruncatedStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.GeometricSimplexStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.HashedStorageStructure
- iterator() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.storage_structures.SortedStorageStructure
- m - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- m - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- m_index(int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
- main(String[]) - Static method in class bsh.JPlex
The arguments to main are ignored.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class bsh.JTerm
The arguments to main are ignored.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Entry point to Plex from the java interpreter.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
Empty main function for convenience only.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.generation.GeneratorDriver
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyGeneratorVisualizer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyVisualizer
- make_empty_file(String, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- makeClusterInPlace(AbstractUndirectedGraph, int, int, double) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ClusteredERGraph
- makeEdge(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- makeEdge(int, int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Get the edge for a pair of vertices.
- makeExplicit(SimplexStream) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Convert a SimplexStream into an explicit one.
- makeExplicit(SimplexStream) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Convert a SimplexStream into an explicit one.
- makeFiniteClosedInterval(T, T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a finite closed interval.
- makeFiniteLeftOpenInterval(T, T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a finite left-open interval.
- makeFiniteOpenInterval(T, T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a finite open interval.
- makeFiniteRightOpenInterval(T, T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a finite right-open interval.
- makeInterval(T, T, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns an interval with the desired parameters.
- makeLeftInfiniteClosedInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a left-infinite closed interval.
- makeLeftInfiniteLeftOpenInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a left-infinite left-open interval.
- makeLeftInfiniteOpenInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a left-infinite open interval.
- makeLeftInfiniteRightOpenInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a left-infinite right-open interval.
- makeMonotone(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ArrayUtility
- makeNewMatlabWriter(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
This function creates and returns a new MatlabWriter.
- makePoint(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- makePoint(int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Turn a vertex into a 0-simplex.
- makeRandomLandmarks(PointData, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
Randomly choose a subset of a given PointData for use as landmarks.
- makeRightInfiniteClosedInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a right-infinite closed interval.
- makeRightInfiniteLeftOpenInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a right-infinite left-open interval.
- makeRightInfiniteOpenInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a right-infinite open interval.
- makeRightInfiniteRightOpenInterval(T) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.Interval
This function returns a right-infinite right-open interval.
- makeSimplex(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- makeSimplex(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- makeSimplex(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- makeSimplex(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- makeSimplex(int...) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis.Simplex
- makeSimplexPresorted(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- makeSimplexPresorted(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- makeSimplexPresorted(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- makeSimplexPresorted(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- makeStarterGraph(int, AbstractUndirectedGraph) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BAGraph
Make a starter graph, in this case a line
TODO: what kind of starter graph??
- ManifoldGraph - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
This class is used to create a k-nearest neighbors graph on a manifold.
- ManifoldGraph(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
Constructor for the ManifoldGraph class.
- map_file(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The MappedBufferData
class is another very simple implementation
of NSpace.
- MappedBufferData() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MappedBufferData(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.MappedBufferData
- MapperPipeline - Class in edu.stanford.math.mapper
- MapperPipeline() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MapperPipeline
- MapperSpecifier - Class in edu.stanford.math.mapper
- MapperSpecifier() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MapperSpecifier
- mask - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
- matchingSimplices(int, int, SimplexStream.ComparisonType) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Return simplices of specified dimension that compare "favorably" with
a given findex.
- matchingSimplices(int, double, SimplexStream.ComparisonType) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Return simplices of specified dimension that compare "favorably" with
a given length.
- MathUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
This class contains various static utility functions
relating to math.
- MathUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- MatlabInterface - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.io
This class has static methods for creating Matlab files to visualize data.
- MatlabInterface() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabInterface
- MatlabWriter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.io
This class encapsulates writing to Matlab files.
- MatlabWriter(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.io.MatlabWriter
This constructor initializes the class to be ready to write to the file
with the filename provided.
- MAX_2_INDEX - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- MAX_4_INDEX - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- MAX_6_INDEX - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- MAX_8_INDEX - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- max_dimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete.DSS
- MAX_DISPLAYABLE_BARS - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- MAX_END - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
- MAX_END - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
- MAX_END - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
- MAX_END - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
- MAX_ENTRY_LIMIT - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
- MAX_GRID_HEIGHT_PER_PAGE - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- MAX_TABLE_SIZE - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
- maxAllowableDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlagComplexStream
The maximum allowable dimension of the complex.
- maxAllowableDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
The maximum allowable dimension of the complex.
- maxApproximation(double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- maxC() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
Return the coefficient of the largetst basis element.
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Cone
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Max dimension of simplices in the stream.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
Max dimension of simplices in the stream.
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete.DSS
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
The maximum dimension of a Simplex that will be admitted to the complex.
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
Max dimension of simplices in the stream.
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream
Max dimension of simplices in the stream.
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
Max dimension of simplices in the stream.
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.TmpStream
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
- maxDimension() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
Max dimension of simplices in the stream.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This stores the maximum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This stores the maximum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This stores the maximum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This stores the maximum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.IntervalTracker
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
This stores the maximum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- maxDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessBicomplex
- maxDistance - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- maxDistance - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlexibleVietorisRipsStream
The maximum distance allowed between two connected vertices.
- maxDistance - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
The maximum distance allowed between two connected vertices.
- maxDistance - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
The maximum distance allowed between two connected vertices.
- maxFlow(int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- maxFlow(FordFulkersonNode[], FordFulkersonEdge[], int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkerson
Inputs a graph to compute max flow/min cut for.
- maxLen - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- maxLog2(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- MaxMinLandmarkSelector<T> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark
This class implements sequential max-min landmark selection of points from a
metric space.
- MaxMinLandmarkSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.MaxMinLandmarkSelector
This constructor initializes the landmark selector with a finite metric space,
and a size parameter.
- MaxMinLandmarkSelector(AbstractSearchableMetricSpace<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.MaxMinLandmarkSelector
This constructor initializes the landmark selector with a finite metric space,
and a size parameter.
- maxProbability - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BinaryHierarchicalGraph
- maxR - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
- maxR - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
- maxS() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
Return the largest basis element.
- MaxSimplicialFilterFunction - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- MaxSimplicialFilterFunction(IntFilterFunction) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.MaxSimplicialFilterFunction
- MED_PRECISION - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.ComparisonUtility
- MemoryUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility
- MemoryUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MemoryUtility
- mergeBasisElts(Simplex[], int[], Simplex[], int[], int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Chain
- mergeDistances - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- mergeDistances - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.LinkageTree
- mergedPairs - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- mergePairs - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.LinkageTree
- message(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- message(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexMessageWindow
Print a message string in the window.
- message_window - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- messageWindow(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Make a Plex message window.
- metricSpace - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- metricSpace - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- metricSpace - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.landmark.LandmarkSelector
This is the underlying metric space upon which the landmark set is build.
- metricSpace - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.FlexibleVietorisRipsStream
This is the metric space upon which the stream is built from.
- metricSpace - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
This is the metric space upon which the stream is built from.
- metricSpace - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
This is the metric space upon which the stream is built from.
- MetricUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.mapper
- MetricUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MetricUtility
- MetricUtility - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility
This class contains various functions for dealing with metric spaces.
- MetricUtility() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.MetricUtility
- minDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.BooleanPersistenceAlgorithm
This stores the minimum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- minDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.IntPersistenceAlgorithm
This stores the minimum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- minDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.autogen.homology.ObjectPersistenceAlgorithm
This stores the minimum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- minDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This stores the minimum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- minDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.SimpleHomologyBasisTracker
- minDimension - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.ZigZagHomology
This stores the minimum dimension for which to compute (co)homology.
- minLog2(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
- minPositivePosition(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Returns the first index of the smallest positive element or -1 if there
are no positive entries
- MinSimplicialFilterFunction - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter
- MinSimplicialFilterFunction(IntFilterFunction) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.filter.MinSimplicialFilterFunction
- minValue(List<ObjectIntPair<T>>) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FlowNetwork
- modularInverses(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.MathUtility
This function returns the multiplicative inverses of the integers
[0, 1, ..., p-1] in mod p arithmetic.
- mouseDragged() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
- mousePressed() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.HomologyGeneratorVisualizer
- mousePressed() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
Rotate 3D image when mouse is dragged
- mouseReleased() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
- mParam - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.BAGraph
- multiMinus(int[], int, int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
Returns the array ds with 1 subtracted from the i-th element and 1
subtracted from the j-th element.
- multiplicative_inverses(int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- multiply(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, IntSparseFormalSum<X>, IntAbstractField) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function performs matrix multiplication.
- multiply(Map<X, IntSparseFormalSum<Y>>, Map<Z, IntSparseFormalSum<X>>, IntAbstractField) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
This function performs matrix-matrix multiplication.
- p - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- p - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ErdosRenyiGraph
- p6_v_to_l_hi(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- p6_v_to_l_lo(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- p6_v_to_l_mid(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- p8_v_to_l_hi(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- p8_v_to_l_hi_mid(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- p8_v_to_l_lo(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- p8_v_to_l_lo_mid(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- p_edge - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonNode
- p_max - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RDirectBufferData
Max number of points.
- Packed2Simplex - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The Packed2Simplex
class implements the abstract class
for Simplices that are points or edges by storing
the vertices as 2 packed 32-bit values in a single long int.
- Packed2Simplex() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- Packed2Simplex(long) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- Packed2Simplex(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed2Simplex
- Packed4Simplex - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The Packed4Simplex
class implements the abstract class
for Simplices of dimension at most 3 by storing the
vertices as 4 packed positive integer values in a pair of long
- Packed4Simplex() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- Packed4Simplex(long, long) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- Packed4Simplex(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed4Simplex
- Packed6Simplex - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The Packed6Simplex
class implements the abstract class
for Simplices of dimension 4-5 by storing the
vertices as 6 packed positive integer values in three long
- Packed6Simplex() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- Packed6Simplex(long, long, long) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed6Simplex
- Packed8Simplex - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The Packed8Simplex
class implements the abstract class
for Simplices of dimension 6-7 by storing the
vertices as 8 packed positive integer values in three long
- Packed8Simplex() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- Packed8Simplex(long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- Packed8Simplex(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- Packed8Simplex(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Packed8Simplex
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.DrawingPane
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot.Ruler
- PaperTestCase() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.TmpStream
- PAppletSplitscreen - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- PAppletSplitscreen() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PAppletSplitscreen
- parameters_table - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- parent - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
- parent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
Return the parent ExplicitStream of this DComplex.
- parent - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- parent - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable.SimpleTableIterator
- parent_is_consistent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.DComplex
- parent_is_consistent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream.ExplicitStreamIterator
- parent_is_consistent() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable.SimpleTableIterator
- parents - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.DisjointSetSystem
- partition(T[], int, int, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.Quicksort.GenericArray
The fundamental partition operation for quicksort.
- partition(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.Quicksort.GenericList
- partition(int[], int, int) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.Quicksort.Int
The fundamental partition operation for quicksort.
- pdata - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.LazyWitnessStream
- pdata - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.RipsStream
The PointData underlying this Rips complex.
- pdata - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.WitnessStream
- performBinning() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.HistogramCreator
- performBootstrap() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.VietorisRipsBootstrapper
- performClustering() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.HierarchicalClustering
- performClustering() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.clustering.SingleLinkageClustering
- performGaussianKernelDensityEstimation(AbstractIntMetricSpace, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.metric.utility.DensityEstimation
- performProjectionBootstrap() - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- performProjectionBootstrap(int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.WitnessBootstrapper
- permute(int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.utility.RandomUtility
This function computes a random permutation of the
input array, and then applies the permutation.
- Persistence - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The Persistence
class class implements the algorithm of
Zomorodian and Carlsson for computing the persistent homology groups
with coefficients in a finite field.
- Persistence() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Persistence
- Persistence() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a Persistence instance.
- persistence_parameters - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
- persistence_sort(Simplex[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Simplex
Sort, in place and using "persistence order", an array of
- PersistenceAlgorithmInterface - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.api
- PersistenceAlgorithmInterface() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.PersistenceAlgorithmInterface
- PersistenceBasis - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The class PersistenceBasis implements the Persistence algorithm by
Carlsson-Zomorodian, with additional basis element tracking to make
sure that afterwards, basis elements for the persistence intervals may
be extracted.
- PersistenceBasis() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- PersistenceBasis() - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Create a PersistenceBasis instance.
- PersistenceBasis.ListItem - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PersistenceBasis.ListItem() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis.ListItem
- PersistenceBasis.SimplexType - Enum in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PersistenceBasisInterval - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
instances encode a dimension and a
duration (e.g., start and end times) as well as a basis element for each
- PersistenceBasisInterval(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Float - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Float() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Float(Chain, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Float(Chain, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Float
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Int - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Int() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Int(Chain, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
- PersistenceBasisInterval.Int(Chain, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasisInterval.Int
- PersistenceInterval - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
instances encode a dimension and a
duration (e.g., start and end times).
- PersistenceInterval.Float - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PersistenceInterval.Float(int, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
- PersistenceInterval.Float(int, double) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Float
- PersistenceInterval.Int - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PersistenceInterval.Int(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
- PersistenceInterval.Int(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceInterval.Int
- PersistenceInvariantDescriptor<I,G> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes
This class is designed to store persistence algorithm invariants for each dimension, with additional information
about the generators.
- PersistenceInvariantDescriptor() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.barcodes.PersistenceInvariantDescriptor
- PersistentCohomologyPrototype<U> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen
- PersistentCohomologyPrototype(IntAbstractField, Comparator<U>, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.nonautogen.PersistentCohomologyPrototype
This constructor initializes the object with a field and a comparator on the basis type.
- pInverses - Static variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.PersistenceBasis
- pixelsPerUnit - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- Plex - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The Plex
class provides some utility functions that don't
have a clearly defined home, and some entry points into plex library
code that are especially useful when in matlab.
- Plex() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- Plex.BettiNumbers - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
An array of Betti numbers (int[]) boxed up for convenience.
- Plex.BettiNumbers() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex.BettiNumbers
- Plex.BettiNumbers(int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex.BettiNumbers
Encapsulate a verified array of Betti numbers.
- plex3Compatible - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.LazyWitnessStream
- plex3Compatible - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.impl.WitnessStream
- Plex3PersistenceAlgorithm - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop
This class encapsulates the functionality of the original version of javaPlex.
- Plex3PersistenceAlgorithm(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3PersistenceAlgorithm
This constructor initializes the class with the maximum dimension to compute persistence for.
- Plex3Stream - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop
This class is a wrapper around a plex 3 SimplexStream that implements the AbstractFilteredStream interface
of plex 4.
- Plex3Stream(SimplexStream) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- Plex3Stream(SimplexStream, int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop.Plex3Stream
- Plex3ToPlex4BarcodeAdapter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop
This class implements a function object which converts plex 3 barcodes to plex 4 barcodes.
- Plex3ToPlex4SimplexAdapter - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.interop
This class implements a function object which converts plex 3 simplices to plex 4 simplices.
- Plex4 - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.api
This class contains static functions that are designed to be callable
from Matlab.
- Plex4() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.api.Plex4
- PlexInterpreter - Class in bsh
The PlexInterpreter
class is a wrapper for Interpreter
whose only purpose at the moment is to allow users to log their input to
a file.
- PlexInterpreter(ConsoleInterface, String) - Constructor for class bsh.PlexInterpreter
Constructor PlexInterpreter, only called in the makeWorkspace.bsh
- PlexInterpreter(String) - Constructor for class bsh.PlexInterpreter
Constructor PlexInterpreter, only called in the makeListener.bsh.
- PlexMessageWindow - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
A PlexMessageWindow
instance is a scrollable text window in
which we can insert messages.
- PlexMessageWindow(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexMessageWindow
Create a new PlexMessageWindow with the given title.
- PlexReader - Class in bsh
The PlexReader
class is a wrapper for the input Reader for
interactive Interpreter instances.
- PlexReader(Reader, String) - Constructor for class bsh.PlexReader
Constructor PlexReader, only called by PlexInterpreter().
- PlexSort - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
The PlexSort
class provides a sorting routine that I'd prefer
was part of the standard libraries.
- PlexSort() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort
- PlexSort.Comp - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
Instances of the Comp
inner class are used as comparison
closures for the sorting routine comp_sort
- PlexSort.Comp() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort.Comp
- PlexSort.CompL - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PlexSort.CompL() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort.CompL
- PlexSort.CompObj - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PlexSort.CompObj() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PlexSort.CompObj
- plot(String, double[][], double, boolean) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
Create the plot window and display results.
- plot(PersistenceInterval[], String, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Plot an array of Plex barcodes (that is, a PersistenceInterval[]).
- plot(PersistenceBasisInterval[], String, double) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
Plot an array of Plex barcodes computed with bases.
- plotBeingSaved - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- plotTypeScatter - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- plotUpperBound - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- plotValue - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex.BCPlot
- Point2D - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- Point2D(float, float) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.Point2D
- PointCloudExamples - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples
This static class contains various functions which produce
examples of point cloud data sets.
- PointCloudExamples() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.examples.PointCloudExamples
- PointCloudScaling - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization
- PointCloudScaling() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.visualization.PointCloudScaling
- PointData - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
A PointData
instance encodes distance information for a
data set.
- PointData() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData
- PointData.Discrete - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PointData.Discrete() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete
- PointData.Discrete(int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete
Make a PointData.Discrete with N points.
- PointData.Discrete.DSS - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
- PointData.Discrete.DSS() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete.DSS
- PointData.Discrete.DSS(SimplexStream, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Discrete.DSS
- PointData.NSpace - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
instances also provide dimension information.
- PointData.NSpace() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.NSpace
- PointData.Predicate - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex
instances are used weed out points that are
uninteresting in a given context (e.g., density too low or high).
- PointData.Predicate() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex.PointData.Predicate
- points - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.ManifoldGraph
- pointsAreConsistent(double[], int) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
- pointsAreConsistent(double[][]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.EuclideanArrayData
- prependColumn(Map<Integer, X>, X) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.BasisTrackingUtility
- PrescribedDegrees - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random
Implements a random prescribed degree graph by the algorithm presented in
J.Blitstein and P.Diaconis
- PrescribedDegrees(int[]) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.PrescribedDegrees
- prev - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.bottleneck.FordFulkersonNode
- PrimitiveBasisElement - Interface in edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.chain_basis
This interface defines the functionality of a primitive basis element type
for a chain complex.
- PrimitiveMultifilteredStream<T extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi
- PrimitiveMultifilteredStream() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.multi.PrimitiveMultifilteredStream
- PrimitiveStream<T extends PrimitiveBasisElement> - Class in edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces
This class implements a filtered chain complex where the underlying type
is a geometric primitive (a Simplex or a Cell).
- PrimitiveStream(StreamStorageStructure<T>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
This constructor constructs the stream with the supplied StreamStorageStructure.
- PrimitiveStream(Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.math.plex4.streams.interfaces.PrimitiveStream
This constructor construct the stream with the default storage scheme.
- printable_intervals(PersistenceInterval[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- probabilityMatrix - Variable in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.graph.random.StochasticBlockmodel
- producePartialClustering(IntFilterFunction, AbstractIntMetricSpace, MapperSpecifier) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MapperPipeline
- project(AbstractHomologyTracker<Integer, I, ?, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, AbstractHomologyTracker<Integer, I, ?, IntSparseFormalSum<V>>, AbstractHomologyTracker<Integer, I, ?, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, AbstractPersistenceTracker<Integer, I, IntSparseFormalSum<U>>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<U>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<V>, I, I) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.InducedHomologyMappingUtility
- projectFirst(IntSparseFormalSum<? extends ObjectObjectPair<U, U>>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.SimplexStreamUtility
- projectSecond(IntSparseFormalSum<? extends ObjectObjectPair<U, U>>, IntAlgebraicFreeModule<U>) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex4.homology.zigzag.bootstrap.SimplexStreamUtility
- prune(int[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Remove a simplex, specified by its vertex vector, and any simplex that
contains it, from the stream.
- prune(double[]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Prune a simplex, specified by an array of double, from the stream.
- prune(int[][]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Prune an array of simplices, specified by vertex vectors, from the stream.
- prune(double[][]) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.ExplicitStream
Prune an array of simplices, specified by double[] vertex vectors,
from the stream.
- ptArrayIsSubset(int[], int[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.Plex
- pullUpIndices(TIntHashSet, TIntHashSet) - Static method in class edu.stanford.math.mapper.MapperPipeline
- push(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack
Push a Simplex into the stream.
- push(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexStream.Stack.Segment
- put(Simplex) - Method in class edu.stanford.math.plex.SimplexTable
Intern a Simplex.