Programming Patterns in use

Type Class Pattern

We draw extensively on Scala’s capacity for type classes to introduce additional capabilities to (possibly pre-existing) classes. Thus, for instance, a Chain object is fundamentally handled as a map with keys from some type CellT and values from some type CoefficientT. By requiring CellT to implement the Cell type class and CoefficientT to have a Fractional implementation, we can guarantee that you can always call the boundary method on any cell and you can do any fractional arithmetic with any coefficients.

As of the release of Scala 3.5.0, the type class pattern representation in Scala is a little bit in flux: support is being introduced for a type member-based type class pattern similar to how type classes are handled in Scala from a parametrized type style type system. This follows the conventions in use in Rust and Swift. As a result, type classes currently can be handled both ways, and in this library we will keep on using parametrized style access to the standard library type classes (such as Ordering), but our own type classes will be predominantly written according to the new style and syntax, as introduced in SIP-64 and described in the Scala 3 documentation here

As an example of how this works out in practice, the OrderedCell type class is the fundamental building block of the topological functionality, and is introduced as follows:

trait HasDimension:
  type Self
  extension (self : Self)
    def dim : Int

trait Cell extends HasDimension:
  type Self
  extension (self : Self)
    def boundary[CoefficientT : Fractional] : Chain[Self, CoefficientT]

trait OrderedCell extends Cell { type Self : Ordering as ordering }

given [CellT : OrderedCell as oCell] => Ordering[CellT] = oCell.ordering

This code block defines three type classes: HasDimension, Cell and OrderedCell, where HasDimension introduces a method dim to the members of the typeclass, and Cell introduces a boundary method. Finally, OrderedCell introduces a chosen ordering as an additional constraint, and also provides that ordering as a declaration (in parametrized-style) for the standard library.

Being a type class declaration in the type member style boils down to having a type member called Self. Then when context bounds are used (such as in [CellT : OrderedCell]), as of Scala 3.5.0, these are interpreted to force either the existence of some OrderedCell[CellT] or some instance of OrderedCell where the type Self is exactly CellT. Both of these circumstances get recognized as fulfilling the context bound by the compiler.

With parametrized type classes, you would use the syntax Ordering[CellT] to refer to a specific instance. The corresponding notation with type member type classes is OrderedCell { type Self = CellT }, or as a notational convenience, Scala also provides the is type alias that allows us to write CellT is OrderedCell.

With these type class definitions in place, an actual implementation of a specific type to fulfill the type class can look like this:

given [VertexT: Ordering] => Simplex[VertexT] is OrderedCell:
    given Ordering[Simplex[VertexT]] = simplexOrdering
    extension (t: Simplex[VertexT]) {
      def boundary[CoefficientT](using fr: Fractional[CoefficientT]): Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT] =
        if (t.dim <= 0) Chain()
        else Chain.from(
            .map((vtx, i) => Simplex.from(t.vertices.toSeq.patch(i, Seq.empty, 1)))
            .zip(Iterator.unfold( => Some((s, fr.negate(s)))))
      def dim: Int = t.vertices.size - 1

Here, the basic declaration is that whenever a type VertexT is a member of the Ordering typeclass (so that there is somewhere an object of type Ordering[VertexT]), this piece of code declares for us the membership of Simplex[VertexT] in the type class OrderedCell, by providing a canonically chosen (using the given keyword) object of type Simplex[VertexT] is OrderedCell.

The definition of this object witnessing the type class membership follows: the code block that follows is the body of an anonymous class instance of the type Simplex[VertexT] is OrderedCell, which by the definition of OrderedCell has to provide:

  1. An ordering for Simplex[VertexT] (because Self : Ordering was part of the definition of OrderedCell)
  2. An implementation of boundary[CoefficientT : Fractional].
  3. An implementation of dim.

So the body of the membership declaration provides an ordering, and in an extension block, provides definitions of the methods boundary and dim.

And now, since the library provides given instances of the type class, the following code works as is:

Welcome to Scala 3.5.0 (17.0.9, Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import org.appliedtopology.tda4j.*
scala> ∆(1,2,3).boundary[Double]
val res0:
  org.appliedtopology.tda4j.Chain[org.appliedtopology.tda4j.Simplex[Int], Double
    ] = 1.0⊠∆(2,3) + -1.0⊠∆(1,3) + 1.0⊠∆(1,2)
scala> ∆(1,2,3).boundary[Float]
val res1:
  org.appliedtopology.tda4j.Chain[org.appliedtopology.tda4j.Simplex[Int], Float] = 1.0⊠∆(2,3) + -1.0⊠∆(1,3) + 1.0⊠∆(1,2)

Context Pattern

After seeing how Kotlin works we have also decided to draw extensively on context-driven programming; we provide a number of contexts that include specific choices of things that need to be chosen, and type aliases and notation to enable working with the chosen things. Hence, providing a SimplexContext with a type parameter determines how VertexT will work throughout, and defines Simplex as a type alias for AbstractSimplex[VertexT] as well as a convenience function s that allows the user to very easily write explicit simplex instances.

Code that uses the simplex capabilities will likely want to start with the lines

given sc: SimplexContext[Int]()
import sc.{given,*}

At a top level we provide a meta-context TDAContext[VertexT,CoefficientT] that establishes the choices of vertex type and coefficient type and imports convenience functions into the environment - a user of the library will likely want to start their code with the lines

given tdac: TDAContext[Int, Double]()
import tdac.{given,*}

With all contexts in place (through the meta context), a user can write out an explicit chain as follows:

1.0 *> s(1,2) - 1.0 *> s(1,3) + 1.0 *> s(2,3)

This uses under the hood an implicit conversion from the Simplex type to the Chain type (a simplex is a one-simplex chain with coefficient 1).

Finite Fields

We provide a finite field arithmetic implementation. To use this, create a FiniteField object and import it’s internal opaque type and given instances, and then you can use Fp to create finite field elements. The resulting code looks something like:

val fp17 = FiniteField(17)
import fp17.{given,*}

Fp(1) *> s(1,2) - Fp(2) *> s(1,3) + s(2,3) <* Fp(3)

(note that we provide two versions of scalar multiplication: from the left by *> or from the right by <*)